
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Weathersfield News, Week of January 20, 2014

So the roller coaster ride continues. We are now dipping into Siberia. Please keep all body parts covered and contained in warm clothing. Bring your pets inside or provide adequate shelter with hay to help them preserve their body heat. Crank up the wood stoves, get out the flannel pj's and heat up the cocoa.

Sigh. Winter in Vermont. It's one of (four official) five seasons. Spring (glorious spring!), summer, fall, winter and mud season. Mud season also counts in my book because it's always sugaring time! :)  I've heard some operations are already experiencing flowing sap!

55 days left until spring. We are almost at the halfway point. After the winter Solstice we gain about 3 minutes of daylight each day.The winter Solstice was on December 21st. So, if I'm doing my math right, there have been 33 days since winter solstice. At about three minutes a day, that means we have an additional 99!!! minutes of daylight each day!!!

This, however, unfortunately, does not immediately help those of us that suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Depression. The winters seem very long, cold and overwhelming. The snow cover helps (me) immensely as it creates more light and brightness. My daylight light bulb gets it's work out every morning as I'm drinking my tea by the window. My own little ray of sunshine no matter what the weather outside might be.  

Depression, winter blues, anxiety, insomnia - all signs that you should contact your doctor, talk with trusted family and friends, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. ~No matter what problems you are dealing with, we want to help you find a reason to keep living. By calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255) you’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7.~

Suicide is a permanent solution that always leaves more questions than it answers. Help is available. ~When you dial 1-800-273-TALK (8255), you are calling the crisis center in the Lifeline network closest to your location. After you call, you will hear a message saying you have reached the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You will hear hold music while your call is being routed. You will be helped by a skilled, trained crisis worker who will listen to your problems and will tell you about mental health services in your area. Your call is confidential and free.~  But they can't help if you do not call!

Or you can go online at and chat with someone online. They also have a facebook page, as well as other options for military, young adults and those that speak Spanish.

In other news, Bella, the wonder dog, has had her cast removed! I honestly don't know if that is a good thing or not.. it seems so frail and spindly, with hardly any hair left on it at all. She is patiently doing her exercises and stretching, loving her massages and even overdoing it a bit once in a great while. It is gaining in strength and the hair is starting to grow back.. Hopefully, by the time spring gets here, we will have no more restrictions for her :)  What a long road it has been!

The deadline for collecting signatures and being a option on the ballot for voting is January 27th. Get involved in your community! Be a voice! It only takes 25 signatures (in Weathersfield) to get on the ballot. What happens in your town is what the people decide to do. If you want to see changes, have other options considered, be a part of the Town leadership, go see the Town Clerk and get INVOLVED! It's not too late!

As I write this, it is spitting snow outside. We had a few inches the other night. Just enough to make the roads slick and all the trees and fields pretty again. If you are one of those that love Christmas, my sister would tell you that there are ONLY 334 days left!  Me?? I'm looking forward to spring, grass, warm weather and no cold air. Silly me - I like to breathe!  I've kinda gotten hooked on it...

Have a great week!

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