
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Planning Commission Public Hearing - zoning bylaw amendment 2-24-2014

Notice of Public Hearing
In accordance with the provisions of Title 24, Sections 4441(d) and 4444, of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, the Planning Commission for the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont, will hold a public hearing on Monday, February 24, 2014, at 7:00P.M., in the Weathersfield Town Office, at 5259 Route 5 in Ascutney, Vermont, to hear public comments on proposed amendments to zoning bylaw section 7.9.1, Signs. The proposed amendments are generally described as follows:
Statement of Purpose
The proposed amendment to section 7.9.1 adds language to allow off-premise agricultural signs.
Geographic Areas Affected
The entire Town of Weathersfield is affected by this amendment.
Section Headings
Section 7.9.1 Signs
Copies of the full text of the proposed amendments are available for review at the Weathersfield Town Office and the Weathersfield Proctor Library in Ascutney, Vermont.
Persons wishing to be heard may do so in person, be represented by an agent, or may file written comments with the Commission prior to the hearing.
Dated at Town of Weathersfield, Windsor County, State of Vermont, this 21st day of January, 2014.
Michael Todd, Chair
Weathersfield Planning Commission

Planning Commission Reporting Form
for Municipal Bylaw Amendments
Section 7.9 Signs
(Off-premise agricultural signs)
This report is in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4441(c) which states:
“When considering an amendment to a bylaw, the planning commission shall prepare and approve a written report on the proposal. A single report may be prepared so as to satisfy the requirements of this subsection concerning bylaw amendments and subsection 4384(c) of this title concerning plan amendments.…. The report shall provide(:)

(A) brief explanation of the proposed bylaw, amendment, or repeal and ….include a statement of purpose as required for notice under §4444 of this title,

This amendment will add language to section 7.9.1 of the Zoning Bylaws to allow off-premise agricultural signs. The signs are for the sole purpose of directing potential customer traffic to farms that are located “off the beaten path”.

(A)nd shall include findings regarding how the proposal:

  1. Conforms with or furthers the goals and policies contained in the municipal plan, including the effect of the proposal on the availability of safe and affordable housing:

Section IV of the Introductions Goals and Objectives:
#5 – Preserve … farm land… . What better way to preserve farm land than to keep the farms that use them in business?
#8 – Retain the rural way of life. Allowing consumers to have access to locally produced agricultural products will help retain our rural way of life.

This amendment will have no effect on the availability of safe and affordable housing.
  1. Is compatible with the proposed future land uses and densities of the municipal plan:

This amendment will have no effect on the proposed future land uses and densities of the municipal plan.

  1. Carries out, as applicable, any specific proposals for any planned community facilities.”

There are, at present, no proposals for any planned community facilities.
Proposed amendment to section 7.9 Signs of the Weathersfield Zoning Bylaws
Add the following to section 7.9.1:
7.9.1(g) Signs for the sole purpose of public safety, information, or directions, but bearing no advertising matter are allowed without permit or fee. Such signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area unless permitted under 7.9.1(p).
7.9.1(O) Signs shall be located on the property to which they pertain, except for signs permitted under Section 7.9.1(P), and for which the sign owner has obtained written permission from the owner of the land on which the sign is to be placed.
7.9.1(P) Directional signs with a total surface area not to exceed four square feet providing directions to places of business offering for sale agricultural products harvested or produced on the premises where the sale is taking place are allowed without a permit or fee, provided the sign owner files with the zoning administrator a copy of written permission from the owner of the land on which the sign is to be placed.

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