
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Welcome to the Weathersfield Front Porch Forum

Welcome to the Weathersfield Front Porch Forum

Greetings and welcome to Front Porch Forum. FPF serves a growing number of Vermont towns, now including Weathersfield. A special thanks to the many people and organizations who made this happen.
People use FPF in other towns for all sorts of things... finding lost dogs, reporting car break-ins, recommending roofers, announcing school events, debating town budget, organizing block parties and farmers' markets... you name it.
To post a message (and please do), just go to the website and click LOGIN (if not already logged in), then click SUBMIT POSTING.
The mission of Front Porch Forum is to help nearby neighbors connect and foster community. We do that by hosting regional networks of online neighborhood/town forums. 
 More than 75,000 households subscribe to our network in Vermont, including better than half of many towns and neighborhoods. And now we're excited to bring our service to Weathersfield!
Please make the most of FPF by reading, forwarding, posting... and recruiting neighbors too.
Send folks to to sign up! 
Thank you. -Michael
Michael Wood-Lewis, co-founder

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone out there know about putting up a vee-shape diversion gutter onto a metal roof over a doorway to keep folks from getting brained by icicles?
