
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Weathersfield News, Week of April 28, 2014

I'm hoping this isn't going to be the weather pattern for this year :(

Weekends have been rough and weather is nice in the middle of the week. Maybe we need to change the work week around and work on Saturday and Sunday and take our days off on Tuesday and Wednesday for a while.

The plants are starting to pop their little heads out of the soil. The sunshine in the window really makes them happy!

Lots going on in town! Mud season is upon us. Thankfully, we have a great team at the Town Garage that stays on top of things and is doing a great job! Thank you to Wes, John and the rest of the crew for their hard work and dedication.

There are still openings on committees and boards that need to be filled. The 1879 Perkinsville School group is forming and meeting. If you would like to sign up for that, please contact Bette Jo Esty through Jim Mullen at or

My mother, Bev and I have started putting out flags in the cemeteries around Town, getting ready for Memorial Day.

I did notice that Country Creemee was open this weekend, but was on a mission every time I went by and did not get to stop.

We celebrated a few birthdays yesterday at my Mother-In-Law's, Suzanne, house in Woodstock on Sunday. Everyone in the family was there except my husband, Mike. It was wonderful to see everyone! The youngest generation is growing up so fast! Dinner and dessert were delicious. The little boys hoovered up the eggs for the Easter Egg hunt! Pictures and more pictures were taken. The younger generation set up a badminton set and everyone had a great time :)

The pigs are growing fast, the goats love their outside enclosure and the chickens are starting to lay more eggs. Now, when I brush the horses, they seem to have less hair to cover me with... I think I'm starting to win the war!

I need to drag the pastures one more time this week and put out some grass seed. The next thing to do is get the pigs outside pen ready. The ground has finally thawed enough to get the fences moved around.

Lots of outside work to do with the weather not cooperating fully.

Before we know it (keep your fingers and toes crossed) we won't be needing the wood stove in the kitchen to keep the chill out any more and it will be time to plant the garden outside and play in the warm dirt!

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