
Thursday, April 9, 2015

1879 School House Workday

As most of you know, we have had great success at the town level in moving forward with the restoration of the 1879 Schoolhouse.  The 1879 Schoolhouse Committee and volunteers will be preparing the wooden framed ell for the mold mitigation phase of the project.  Our deadline for the prep work is April 20th, so we are working this Saturday and the next if necessary.

The most pressing project will be the demolition of the walls and floor of the ell, and we are looking for volunteers.  If you can donate any amount of time it would be greatly appreciated.  There will be food served on site.  Wear durable work clothing, heavy gloves, and work boots.  Bring hammer, demo bars/crow bars, and a hard hat if you have them, but come anyway if you don't.  Earliest arrival time is 9:00 AM.  We may work until 5:00 PM or quit earlier if the work is done.

The 1879 Committee and I look forward to seeing you.

Please feel free to share this with your friends.

Matt Keniston

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