Select Board Agenda
Martin Memorial Hall
5259 Route 5
Monday, April 20, 2015
Regular Meeting
New Start Time
1. Call to Order
2. Comments from
Select Board and Citizens on topics not on agenda
3. Review Minutes
from previous meeting(s)
4. Preventative
maintenance of paved town highways: ship sealing or shim/overlay?
Everett Hammond
5. Review List of
Road that need reconstruction or rehabilitation
6. Tenney Hill Road
land for sale / Select Realtor
7. Review draft
update of Town Manager job description
Weathersfield Hazardous Materials Response Ordinance
Third Reading: Amend Ordinance
9. Project Updates:
Maple Street, Access to Town Forest, Perkinsville Schoolhouse
10. Decide how to
distribute Transfer Station Redemption Program Funds
11. Policy on
Conduct of Meetings and Hearings / Change Select Board Meeting
Start Time?
12. Invitation to
VELCO meeting / 15 Mile rebuild of transmission lines
13. Appointments
A. Budget Committee
(Two Openings)
B. Connecticut
River Development Corporation Representative Alternate
C. Connecticut
River Joint Commission
D. CRJC Mt Ascutney
E. Conservation
Commission (Two four year terms open)
~George Ainely
F. Fence Viewer
(Two Openings)
G. Parks and
Recreation Commission (Two Openings)
~Bill Brink
H. River Connection
Regional Partnership Representative
I. Southeastern
Vermont Community Transportation Advisory Committee
J. Southern Windsor
County Transportation Advisory Committee
K. Veterans'
Memorial Committee
L. Weathersfield
Zoning Board of Adjustment (Four Openings)
~Chelsea Chase
~Willis Wood
~Kevin Christie
~Betty Brooks
14. Approve Warrants
15. Future Meeting
Agenda Items
Monday, 4/27/15, 7 pm, Martin Memorial Hall, basement
Meeting with Fire Commission
B. Monday, 5/4/15 7:30 pm???
Due to AFD#2 Annual Meeting at 7:00 pm
Town Manager
Search Process / Abigail Freeman, VLCT
Future Undated
Meeting Items:
1. Amend
Delinquent Tax Policy
2. Amend speed
limit ordinance on paved roads
3. Review and
update Animal Control Ordinance
16. Executive
Session / Proposed Contract / Well hook up at Town Highway Garage
17. Adjourn