Posted: 30 Sep 2013 05:22 AM PDT
Road will be closed just south (uphill) of the intersection with
Victory Drive Monday through Wednesday (9/30 -10/2) of this week. The
Weathersfield Highway Department will be replacing a large culvert in
this location.
Drivers can detour around this point of closure using Victory Drive.

Drivers can detour around this point of closure using Victory Drive.
Posted: 30 Sep 2013 05:14 AM PDT
Work Update
Weathersfield Route 12/131
AOT Project No: STP 2913(1)
Saturday, 9/28/13 – As of Friday afternoon, crews were having mechanical difficulties with the some of the paving equipment. If crews can pave Saturday, they will be working between Victory Drive and Weathersfield Center Road. Cement reclaim crews will also be working all day. This operation should make it to Downer’s Corners which will complete the cement reclaiming. If paving is cancelled, crews will resume ditching along the project.
Week of September 30th, 2013
Traffic Safety Warning – Crews
are asking motorists who are exiting driveways or businesses on Route
131 to be aware that they may be pulling into a construction zone. With
construction zones taking up to a mile of one lane, a flag person may
not be stationed in the exact area to assist someone in pulling out. If
there is no flagger present, motorists should wait for traffic flow in
the direction they want to go before pulling out.
The construction zone will be marked with orange cones along the centerline.
VT Route 12 – I91 Interchange to NH Border
Crews will be working on the traffic signal, concrete sidewalks and islands at the intersection of Route 12/5/131.
VT Route 131 – I91 Interchange to Downer’s Corners
Ditching and clean-up work will occur in various areas throughout the project.Paving – Crews will continue paving the base layer of asphalt between Victory Drive and Henry Gould Road throughout the week. Paving is contingent upon favorable weather conditions.
Please keep in mind that the base layer is the first of three layers of pavement that will be installed. Paving is expected to occur for several weeks.
TRAFFIC DELAYS – ALL operations will require travel to be reduced to alternating one-way travel around the construction packages. Traffic control personnel will be present to assist in maintaining traffic flow. Motorists should anticipate traffic delays while traveling through the project and plan accordingly. Please allow for extra time in your travel plans.
Contact Francine Perkins, Public Relations Officer, FRP Enterprises, LLC with any questions or concerns with regards to the project at 802-479-6994 or for a more up to date schedule visit