Thursday, August 29, 2013
Zoning Board Public Hearing 9-11-2013 Wyman
A public hearing before the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Town of Weathersfield will be held at the Town Office in Ascutney on
Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 7:00 PM
to consider the following application:
#08.1913 by Carl Wyman for construction of a single family home and outbuildings on Plains Road (parcel 08-01-06.2) in the Conservation zoning district within 300 feet of a mapped deer wintering area.
The above application is available for inspection at the Town Office in Ascutney. Persons wishing to appeal and be heard may do so in person or be represented by an agent or attorney. Participation in this proceeding is required in order to ensure your ability to appeal the Zoning Board’s decision. Communications about the above application may be filed in writing with the Zoning Board of Adjustment or at the hearing.
David Gulbrandsen, Chair
Weathersfield Zoning Board of Adjustment
Man Denies Stealing Motorcycle, Police Pursuit
Man denies stealing motorcycle, police pursuit
WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — A Weathersfield man who allegedly stole a motorcycle in Ludlow earlier this month and then, in a separate incident, allegedly led police on a high-speed chase through Springfield on a dirt bike Friday morning was in court Monday facing multiple felony charges.
Joey Bergeron, 32, pleaded innocent to aggravated operation of a vehicle without the owner’s consent, attempting to elude police and gross negligent operation before he was ordered held for lack of $15,000 bail.
Bergeron, who over the years has been convicted of nearly two dozen crimes including burglary, possession of stolen property and escape, has been charged as a habitual offender and could face “enhanced penalties” of up to life in prison if convicted of any of new charges.
“Mr. Bergeron has a history of violations of probation and parole on his rather extensive criminal record and the state notes that he currently has pending criminal cases in the states of Massachusetts and Connecticut,” Windsor County Deputy State’s Attorney David Cahill told Judge Katherine Hayes on Monday.
A swarm of police throughout the region spent much of Friday morning on the lookout for Bergeron after a pursuit of a dirt bike that began on Route 106 in Weathersfield wound through numerous downtown streets in Springfield.
Vermont State Police Trooper Nick Arlington said he was just finishing up an unrelated traffic stop when he recognized Bergeron as he zipped past him on a dirt bike “with an extremely loud muffler.”
Arlington wrote in his affidavit that he was already aware that Ludlow authorities wanted to question Bergeron about his alleged role in the theft of a three-wheeler Can-Am motorcycle taken from the driveway of one of Bergeron’s former employers earlier this month.
Arlington said even though he activated his blue lights and siren, Bergeron took off, going 60 mph in a 40 mph zone, passing lines of cars that had stopped for red lights, and going between two lanes worth of stopped vehicles on Park Street.
Despite the effort of several troopers and police from Springfield and Chester, Arlington said that Bergeron managed to lose his pursuers and witnesses later told police they saw the dirt bike speed out of town down Brockways Mill Road and later head west out Route 121 in Saxtons River.
Within hours, police received a tip that Bergeron had been given a ride by a resident of Saxtons River back to Springfield where troopers located him and arrested him without further incident.
Arlington said that when Bergeron was found his jeans were soaking wet below the knees and he was not wearing shoes or socks. He said the resident who gave Bergeron a ride out of Saxtons River reported that Bergeron had claimed to have been fishing and become stranded when his car broke down.
WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — A Weathersfield man who allegedly stole a motorcycle in Ludlow earlier this month and then, in a separate incident, allegedly led police on a high-speed chase through Springfield on a dirt bike Friday morning was in court Monday facing multiple felony charges.
Joey Bergeron, 32, pleaded innocent to aggravated operation of a vehicle without the owner’s consent, attempting to elude police and gross negligent operation before he was ordered held for lack of $15,000 bail.
Bergeron, who over the years has been convicted of nearly two dozen crimes including burglary, possession of stolen property and escape, has been charged as a habitual offender and could face “enhanced penalties” of up to life in prison if convicted of any of new charges.
“Mr. Bergeron has a history of violations of probation and parole on his rather extensive criminal record and the state notes that he currently has pending criminal cases in the states of Massachusetts and Connecticut,” Windsor County Deputy State’s Attorney David Cahill told Judge Katherine Hayes on Monday.
A swarm of police throughout the region spent much of Friday morning on the lookout for Bergeron after a pursuit of a dirt bike that began on Route 106 in Weathersfield wound through numerous downtown streets in Springfield.
Vermont State Police Trooper Nick Arlington said he was just finishing up an unrelated traffic stop when he recognized Bergeron as he zipped past him on a dirt bike “with an extremely loud muffler.”
Arlington wrote in his affidavit that he was already aware that Ludlow authorities wanted to question Bergeron about his alleged role in the theft of a three-wheeler Can-Am motorcycle taken from the driveway of one of Bergeron’s former employers earlier this month.
Arlington said even though he activated his blue lights and siren, Bergeron took off, going 60 mph in a 40 mph zone, passing lines of cars that had stopped for red lights, and going between two lanes worth of stopped vehicles on Park Street.
Despite the effort of several troopers and police from Springfield and Chester, Arlington said that Bergeron managed to lose his pursuers and witnesses later told police they saw the dirt bike speed out of town down Brockways Mill Road and later head west out Route 121 in Saxtons River.
Within hours, police received a tip that Bergeron had been given a ride by a resident of Saxtons River back to Springfield where troopers located him and arrested him without further incident.
Arlington said that when Bergeron was found his jeans were soaking wet below the knees and he was not wearing shoes or socks. He said the resident who gave Bergeron a ride out of Saxtons River reported that Bergeron had claimed to have been fishing and become stranded when his car broke down.
Flash Flood Warning for Windsor County, VT until 2:30 am Thursday
Flash Flood Warning for Windsor County in VT until 2:30am Thursday. #vt
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Remembering Irene - Photos
Route 106 just South of Downers Four Corners
Upper Falls Road
Amsden Schoolhouse Road, junction Route 131
Stoughton Pond
Stoughton Pond
Ascutney Notch Road
Black River, Route 106
Route 106, North of Downers Four Corners
Make A Plan for Disaster
Your family may not be together when a disaster strikes so it is
important to plan in advance: how you will get to a safe place; how you
will contact one another; how you will get back together; and what you
will do in different situations. Read more about Family Communication during an emergency. has made it simple for you to make a family emergency plan. Download the Family Emergency Plan (FEP) (PDF - 450 Kb) and fill out the sections before printing it or emailing it to your family and friends. has made it simple for you to make a family emergency plan. Download the Family Emergency Plan (FEP) (PDF - 450 Kb) and fill out the sections before printing it or emailing it to your family and friends.
Perkinsville School Committee Agenda 8/28/2013
Perkinsville School Site Redevelop
6:15 PM, Wednesday, August 28,
2013, 2013
at Perkinsville School
- Walk around school site
- Review draft Post-Demolition Site Plan
Tropical Storm Irene - Two Years Ago, Today
Where were you and what were you doing during this life-changing, historical event?
Wednesday marks two years since Tropical Storm Irene sent torrents of rain to test the will of Vermonters.
The storm and its 11 inches of rain killed six people, damaged more than 500 miles of roads and 200 bridges, and displaced thousands.
Across the state Wednesday, there will be ceremonies to mark the event, some in places where they've rebounded, others in places, where rebuilding property and lives still continues.
Wednesday marks two years since Tropical Storm Irene sent torrents of rain to test the will of Vermonters.
The storm and its 11 inches of rain killed six people, damaged more than 500 miles of roads and 200 bridges, and displaced thousands.
Across the state Wednesday, there will be ceremonies to mark the event, some in places where they've rebounded, others in places, where rebuilding property and lives still continues.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Weathersfield Fire Commission Special Meeting, August 27, 2013
Weathersfield Fire Commission Special Meeting for tonight has NOT been
cancelled. It is still scheduled for tonight at 7 pm at Martin Memorial
Hall, in Ascutney, the lower level.
If you have any questions, please contact Lynn Esty at 263-9441
Back to School at Weathersfield School
Monday was the day...yes!
Two important dates to announce:
Open House will be from 6:00 to 7:00 pm on Tuesday, September 24, 2013.
Walk to School Day will be on Wednesday, October 9th.Open House will be from 6:00 to 7:00 pm on Tuesday, September 24, 2013.
Vermont Council on Reading Fall Conference
Please find the flyer for the Vermont Council on Reading's fall conference below:
Download Flyer
Language, Literacy, and the Common Core State Standards, will be discussed at Rutland High School on October 26. Dr. Marjorie Lipson will be the keynote speaker.
Download Flyer
Language, Literacy, and the Common Core State Standards, will be discussed at Rutland High School on October 26. Dr. Marjorie Lipson will be the keynote speaker.
Farmers Almanac Predicts Bitterly Cold Winter In Northeast
LEWISTON, Maine —The
Farmers' Almanac is using words like "piercing cold," ''bitterly cold"
and "biting cold" to describe the upcoming winter. And if its
predictions are right, the first outdoor Super Bowl in years will be a
messy "Storm Bowl."The 197-year-old publication that hits newsstands Monday predicts a winter storm will hit the Northeast around the time the Super Bowl is played at MetLife Stadium in the Meadowlands in New Jersey. It also predicts a colder-than-normal winter for two-thirds of the country and heavy snowfall in the Midwest, Great Lakes and New England.
"We're using a very strong four-letter word to describe this winter, which is C-O-L-D. It's going to be very cold," said Sandi Duncan, managing editor.
Based on planetary positions, sunspots and lunar cycles, the almanac's secret formula is largely unchanged since founder David Young published the first almanac in 1818.
Modern scientists don't put much stock in sunspots or tidal action, but the almanac says its forecasts used by readers to plan weddings and plant gardens are correct about 80 percent of the time.
Last year, the forecast called for cold weather for the eastern and central U.S. with milder temperatures west of the Great Lakes. It started just the opposite but ended up that way.
Caleb Weatherbee, the publication's elusive prognosticator, said he was off by only a couple of days on two of the season's biggest storms: a February blizzard that paralyzed the Northeast with 3 feet of snow in some places and a sloppy storm the day before spring's arrival that buried parts of New England.
Readers who put stock in the almanac's forecasts may do well to stock up on long johns, especially if they're lucky enough to get tickets to the Super Bowl on Feb. 2. The first Super Bowl held outdoors in a cold-weather environment could be both super cold and super messy, with a big storm due Feb. 1 to 3, the almanac says.
Read more:
Entergy to Close Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant in 2014
Staff Report
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Entergy Corporation said today it will close
the controversial Vermont Yankee nuclear plant in Vernon, Vt., calling
the move an “agonizing decision.”
The plant along the Connecticut River will cease power production after its current fuel cycle and close in 2014.
In a news release, Entergy officials said the decision was driven by sustained lower prices and a high cost structure.
“This was an agonizing decision and an extremely
tough call for us,” Leo Denault, Entergy’s chairman and chief
executive officer, said in the release. “Vermont Yankee has an
immensely talented, dedicated and loyal workforce, and a solid base of
support among many in the community.
We recognize that closing the
plant on this schedule was not the outcome they had hoped for, but we
have reluctantly concluded that it is the appropriate action for us to
take under the circumstances.”
Gov. Peter Shumlin, a former state senator from
Windham County and longtime opponent of the plant, is holding a news
conference in Montpelier later this morning.
Check back at and read tomorrow’s Valley News for a full report.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Fundraiser a Success at The Inn at Weathersfield
We’re happy to say we exceeded our financial goal of raising $2500 for
the Vermont Chapter of the American Institute of Wine & Food, the
nonprofit organization founded by Julia Child and Robert Mondavi. We’ll
keep you posted on the Vermont culinary student who receives the
financial award.
stars aligned for last Saturday's Farm Dinner. Thanks to everyone who
attended, our farm partners and our Silent Auction donors, we exceeded
our financial goal. Here's a link to the complete wrap-up:
Running Bear Campground Labor Day Weekend Events
Day Weekend is coming up and we have activities planned for all ages.
How about some Karaoke/Dance Music Friday evening with Cher ?
Maybe a
DJ on Saturday night or the Wiseguys on Sunday night ??
If music isn't
your thing we have Texas Holdem' Friday evening,
Family Bingo Saturday
and Sunday at 4 PM and of course don't forget that
there is an Ice Cream
Social Saturday and Sunday from 1-2 PM at the snack shack.
Rides for the kids (of all ages).
Plus Saturday and Sunday Pete will be
hosting a Horseshoe Tournament with Registration starting at 11:30 AM
and the tournament beginning at Noon.
Come out and join us. We still
have a few sites available.
Weathersfield Directory News
The Weathersfield Directory has been a HUGE success!
Thank you to all the businesses and individuals who participated in our printed booklet.
It's not too late!!!! For those of you that missed the 2013 printing, it is not too late to be included in the on-line edition. Please visit and download the Ad Sign Up Sheet. Fill it out, send in the information you want included and get on-line.
A Single Line Listing Is Free!
Multiple Description Ads: $5.00
Business Card: $20.00
Two-Sided Business Card:$30.00
Business Cards include multiple business description.
Please mail submissions to:
Weathersfield Directory,
P.O. Box 550, Ascutney, VT 05030-0550
(checks made payable to Weathersfield Directory)
If you have any questions that are not answered on the Directory site, please feel free to email:
We still have booklets available. If you have not received one, please contact us. We deliver in town.
Our next regularly scheduled business meeting is set for September 17 at 4 pm at Martin Memorial Hall in Ascutney, VT. It is a public meeting and all are welcome to attend.
Thank you to all the businesses and individuals who participated in our printed booklet.
It's not too late!!!! For those of you that missed the 2013 printing, it is not too late to be included in the on-line edition. Please visit and download the Ad Sign Up Sheet. Fill it out, send in the information you want included and get on-line.
A Single Line Listing Is Free!
Multiple Description Ads: $5.00
Business Card: $20.00
Two-Sided Business Card:$30.00
Business Cards include multiple business description.
Please mail submissions to:
Weathersfield Directory,
P.O. Box 550, Ascutney, VT 05030-0550
(checks made payable to Weathersfield Directory)
If you have any questions that are not answered on the Directory site, please feel free to email:
We still have booklets available. If you have not received one, please contact us. We deliver in town.
Our next regularly scheduled business meeting is set for September 17 at 4 pm at Martin Memorial Hall in Ascutney, VT. It is a public meeting and all are welcome to attend.
Hawks Mtn. Grange, Monthly Meeting
Hawks Mountain Grange | |||||
Time: 7:30pm Hawks Mountain Grange Meeting |
Location : Grange Hall, Center St., Perkinsville Contact : call Gary Cross 263-5265 |
Ascutney Fire District Meeting, Martin Memorial Hall
Ascutney Fire District | |||||
Regular Meeting 6:30 P.M. |
Location : Martin Memorial Hall, Route 5, Ascutney, VT |
Alcoholics Anonymous, Perkinsville Community Church
Alcoholics Anonymous | |||||
Time: 6:00pm Open AA meeting | |||||
Location : Perkinsville Community Church, Perkinsville, VT |
Informal Social Gathering, Perkinsville Community Church
Informal Social Gathering | |||||
Informal Social Gathering Every Thursday -from 11:00-12:30, everyone welcome at PCC | |||||
Location : Perkinsville Community Church, Perkinsville, VT |
Al-Anon, Ascutney Union Church
Al-Anon | |||||
Al-Anon meeting-every Tuesday at 6PM | |||||
Location : Ascutney Union Church |
Senior Exercise Program, Martin Memorial Hall, Ascutney
Senior Exercise Program | |||||
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Senior Exercise Program in Ascutney Free - sponsored by RSPV- Mondays 2:00-3:00 in basement of Martin Memorial Hall- Classes are led by Geraldine Rudenfeldt and Sandra Lemois. If interested call 674-5254 for more information. |
Location : Martin Memorial Hall, Route 5, Ascutney, VT Contact : call 674-5254 for more information. |
Exercise Group, Perkinsville Community Church
Exercise Group | |||||
Time: 9:30am - 10:30am Location: Perkinsville Community Church |
Location : Perkinsville Church Contact : call Dottie for more information at 263-5444. |
One-on-One Computer Training Available
One-on-one computer training available every Friday
From 10:30am – 11:30am
at the Weathersfield Proctor Library.
Sign up is Required!
Please contact Nancy at
or email:
Friends of the Library Meeting
Friends of the Library meeting - open to the public!
Wednesday, September 4, 7pm – 8pm
Weathersfield Proctor Library
1581 Route 5, Ascutney, VT
First Day of School!!
Today is the first day of school for Weathersfield students.
Please look out for young people and buses. Use caution. For some, it is their very first time.
Let's keep everyone safe!!!
VT Statutes read: The operator of a motor vehicle, including authorized emergency vehicles, upon meeting or overtaking a vehicle marked and equipped as a BUS which has stopped on the highway for the purpose of receiving or discharging public or private school children shall stop his or her vehicle immediately and shall keep it stationary while the flashing red signal lights are in operation.
Please look out for young people and buses. Use caution. For some, it is their very first time.
Let's keep everyone safe!!!
It's back to school for many kiddos in our area. Please drive safely!
VT Statutes read: The operator of a motor vehicle, including authorized emergency vehicles, upon meeting or overtaking a vehicle marked and equipped as a BUS which has stopped on the highway for the purpose of receiving or discharging public or private school children shall stop his or her vehicle immediately and shall keep it stationary while the flashing red signal lights are in operation.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Wellwood Orchards Customer Appreciation Day 2013
Saturday, August 31, 2013
10 am to 3 pm
Special Announcement:
NEW!!!! MAGIC SHOW by "HOCUS POCUS" from 10am to 11 am
*See your Local Fire & Police Departments,
*Face Painter Extraordinaire- Linda Weiser,
*Enjoy Balloon animals with "Cheryl the Clown" and
*Acoustic Guitar by John Laware.
FREE: hotdogs, chips, soda, kids games, petting zoo, face painting, balloon art, contests, wagon rides and prizes.
!!!!!!Games and food begin after the MAGIC show!!!
This is OUR day to celebrate YOU, our loyal customers.
10 am to 3 pm
Special Announcement:
NEW!!!! MAGIC SHOW by "HOCUS POCUS" from 10am to 11 am
*See your Local Fire & Police Departments,
*Face Painter Extraordinaire- Linda Weiser,
*Enjoy Balloon animals with "Cheryl the Clown" and
*Acoustic Guitar by John Laware.
FREE: hotdogs, chips, soda, kids games, petting zoo, face painting, balloon art, contests, wagon rides and prizes.
!!!!!!Games and food begin after the MAGIC show!!!
This is OUR day to celebrate YOU, our loyal customers.
Weathersfield Man Faces Charges After Route 106 Dirt Bike Chase
From the Valley News
Sunday, August 25, 2013
(Published in print: Sunday, August 25, 2013)
Weathersfield — A 32-year-old Weathersfield man faces charges of grand larceny, aggravated operation without owner’s consent, grossly negligent operation and attempting to elude, Vermont State Police said Saturday.
Police said Joey Bergeron was riding a dirt bike on Friday at about 8:30 a.m. when he passed Vermont State Police Trooper Nicholas Arlington, who was clearing from a traffic stop on Route 106 in Weathersfield.
Arlington attempted to stop Bergeron, but he refused to pull over, police said in a news release. Arlington followed the bike into Springfield, Vt., where he lost sight of it. As state police troopers and Springfield and Chester police officers attempted to find the bike, they received numerous calls from citizens with information about its location, Arlington said. Read More
Anyone who saw Bergeron or a white and red dirt bike in the area of Saxtons River is asked to contact Arlington at 802-975-2112.
— Staff report
Freezing Peaches 101
Reliance Peaches grown in Weathersfield Vt
So you've picked some peaches. Now what? How about freezing them to enjoy at Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, or any cold rainy/snowy day this fall/winter.
Step 1. Make the Syrup

The syrup is really easy to make. I make mine in a 1:2 ratio. 1 Cup Sugar/2 Cups water. I usually make 10 -12 cups if I have a lot of peaches to freeze.
Measure out the water.
Add the Sugar.
Bring to a boil and set aside.
If you make too much, just put it in the fridge (about one week) and use it the next time you freeze peaches. My peach harvest usually lasts 3-4 weeks.

Step 2. Sort your peaches
I pick out the ones that are slightly soft to the touch and fairly pink
Step 3. Remove the Skin

Boil the peaches for a few minutes until you can see the skin shedding.
Step 4. Ice the peaches

Remove the peaches with a slotted spoon to an ice water bath to stop the cooking process. Give them a few minutes in the ice water.
To peel the skin just lightly rub the peach. The skin will slide off easily, if not pop it back in the boiling water for another minute then ice bath again.
Remove any bruises and slice the peach in half.
Step 5. Acid to prevent browning (oxidation)

Half the peaches, remove the pits, and trim off any bruises you can see.
Toss the peaches with a splash of lemon juice and sprinkle with Citric Acid or Fruit Fresh (both from Ball Canning--they sell them at KMart, Walmart or online.)

Let the peaches set a few minutes to absorb the acid. Some peaches may brown when you thaw them but they taste fine or you can just cut the brown part away before serving--it's just normal oxidation.
Step 6. Get Ready to Freeze
Spoon the peaches into freezer safe containers and cover completely with the syrup.

Label the containers, let them cool if you used hot syrup, then pop them into your freezer (manual defrost freezers are best--no freeze/thaw cycles to prevent freezer burn)
When you are ready to eat them thaw them in your refrigerator about a day before serving. Great for ice cream toppings, Peach Bellinis and just plain old peaches for dessert!
Submitted by Nancy Nutile-McMenemy
This Article first appeared on my Blog Friday August 12, 2012
Follow Photos By Nanci at:
Photos by Nanci Blog
SmugMug Galleries
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Weathersfield News week of 8/19/2013
What a wonderful run of sunshine and warm weather we have had. It's been just the right temperature outside days and evenings.
I've (finally) caught up with the weeds in my garden. Now it's time to start canning and freezing. How good all those vegetables will taste when it's cold and snowy outside.
The Finale Party for the summer reading program was a big hit! All total, the participants (of all ages) read over 50,000 minutes this summer!!! We set a new record. The number of hours read gets bigger and bigger each year! The Frippery was a success (according to what I was told)! Summer's almost over and in a few weeks, the kids will be headed back to school.
I was in the store the other night and Halloween stuff was already out. Sigh! My wonderful sister reminded me on Saturday that there are only 129 days left until Christmas. Big Sigh!
It has been very busy the past couple of weeks and the next few weeks aren't going to be much different. I do have a ray of sunshine in my busy schedule, though... my wonderful husband is taking the day off from work on Tuesday (after my morning meeting) and taking me to the beach. A whole day alone, just the two of us, and walking on the beach. A mini-vacation for the the both of us.
Fall is coming. Leaves are starting to turn bright colors, pumpkins are already turning orange in the garden and the daylight is slipping away as each evening, dark comes earlier and earlier. Enjoy our last days of summer.
I've (finally) caught up with the weeds in my garden. Now it's time to start canning and freezing. How good all those vegetables will taste when it's cold and snowy outside.
The Finale Party for the summer reading program was a big hit! All total, the participants (of all ages) read over 50,000 minutes this summer!!! We set a new record. The number of hours read gets bigger and bigger each year! The Frippery was a success (according to what I was told)! Summer's almost over and in a few weeks, the kids will be headed back to school.
I was in the store the other night and Halloween stuff was already out. Sigh! My wonderful sister reminded me on Saturday that there are only 129 days left until Christmas. Big Sigh!
It has been very busy the past couple of weeks and the next few weeks aren't going to be much different. I do have a ray of sunshine in my busy schedule, though... my wonderful husband is taking the day off from work on Tuesday (after my morning meeting) and taking me to the beach. A whole day alone, just the two of us, and walking on the beach. A mini-vacation for the the both of us.
Fall is coming. Leaves are starting to turn bright colors, pumpkins are already turning orange in the garden and the daylight is slipping away as each evening, dark comes earlier and earlier. Enjoy our last days of summer.
Anita M. Martel, Obituary
Perkinsville -
Anita M. Martel died unexpectedly Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH.
She was born January 13, 1960 in Springfield, daughter of Norman and Eleanor (Motrem) Blanchard.
She attended Ludlow schools.
On January 13, 1970 she married Richard "Rick" Martel in Perkinsville.
She was a mother and homemaker, and together with her husband, owned and operated the Martel Body Shop in Perkinsville.
She enjoyed attending car shows and showing her Corvette.
Survivors include her husband, Rick, of Perkinsville; two sons, Chris Martel of Windsor and Greg Martel of Weathersfield; two grandchildren; and two sisters, Jean Andrews of Springfield and Barbara Stillwell of Claremont, NH.
She was predeceased by her parents and two brothers, Gordon Stewart and James Stewart.
A memorial service will be held Friday, August 30, 2013 at 2 pm at the Davis Memorial Chapel in Springfield. The Rev. Gary Piper, pastor of the United Methodist Church, will officiate. Friends may call at the chapel from 1 to 2 pm on Friday.
Burial will follow at Hillcrest Cemetery in Proctorsville.
Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 55 Day Lane, Williston, VT 05495.
Arrangements are under the direction of the Davis Memorial Chapel in Springfield.
Anita M. Martel died unexpectedly Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH.
She was born January 13, 1960 in Springfield, daughter of Norman and Eleanor (Motrem) Blanchard.
She attended Ludlow schools.
On January 13, 1970 she married Richard "Rick" Martel in Perkinsville.
She was a mother and homemaker, and together with her husband, owned and operated the Martel Body Shop in Perkinsville.
She enjoyed attending car shows and showing her Corvette.
Survivors include her husband, Rick, of Perkinsville; two sons, Chris Martel of Windsor and Greg Martel of Weathersfield; two grandchildren; and two sisters, Jean Andrews of Springfield and Barbara Stillwell of Claremont, NH.
She was predeceased by her parents and two brothers, Gordon Stewart and James Stewart.
A memorial service will be held Friday, August 30, 2013 at 2 pm at the Davis Memorial Chapel in Springfield. The Rev. Gary Piper, pastor of the United Methodist Church, will officiate. Friends may call at the chapel from 1 to 2 pm on Friday.
Burial will follow at Hillcrest Cemetery in Proctorsville.
Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 55 Day Lane, Williston, VT 05495.
Arrangements are under the direction of the Davis Memorial Chapel in Springfield.
Invitation to Attend - Weathersfield Fire Commission
The Weathersfield Fire Commission was created by a vote at Town Meeting in 1990 by the townspeople of Weathersfield, VT.
All Weathersfield town meetings are open to the public, per Vermont Open Meeting Law.
No invitation required. Please come!
The Weathersfield Fire Commission is a public meeting.
All are welcome to attend and participate.
All Weathersfield town meetings are open to the public, per Vermont Open Meeting Law.
No invitation required. Please come!
The Weathersfield Fire Commission is a public meeting.
All are welcome to attend and participate.
Zucchini Parmesan...use those baseball bat sized zucchinis!
So if you are like us, you always find a zucchini that has cleverly hidden from view until BAM, it's HUGE!
What to do...compost? feed it to chickens? pigs?
Hey why not people...
Garden Sauce:
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 clove garlic (we grew our own this year and it's great!!) chopped.
Saute in large saucepan until soft
12 garden ripe tomatoes, sliced
1 medium zucchini, sliced
1 medium yellow squash, sliced
2-3 green peppers, sliced
Salt/Pepper to taste
Add the above to the garlic/oil. Simmer for about 1 hour.
Add a handful of chopped basil, a few leaves of oregano (all from the garden if possible)
1 cup red wine
Simmer while preparing the Zucchini
Fried Zucchini
Baseball Bat Zucchini
Olive oil
Garden Sauce from above
2 eggs, a little water, whisked in medium bowl (I used a little almond milk-it was fine!)
Slice your Baseball Bat, I mean Zucchini in 1/4" slices.
On a plate mix a handful of flour and 1 C breadcrumbs
Heat a large fry pan and add some olive oil to coat the bottom.
Dip the Zucchini slice into the egg wash then toss in the flour/breadcrumbs then into the fry pan. Cook until the oil is creeping over the top edge of the zucchini slice and flip!
Grease a baking pan lightly with PAM or drizzle with olive oil.
Lay down the fried zucchini slices, add some garden sauce, a sprinkle of Parmesan, then repeat until you run out of fried zucchini. Cover with a sprinkle of Mozzarella.
Bake about 30 minutes at 300 F.
Submitted by Nancy Nutile-McMenemy
Follow Photos By Nanci at:
Photos by Nanci Blog
SmugMug Galleries
What to do...compost? feed it to chickens? pigs?
Hey why not people...
Garden Sauce:
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 clove garlic (we grew our own this year and it's great!!) chopped.
Saute in large saucepan until soft
12 garden ripe tomatoes, sliced
1 medium zucchini, sliced
1 medium yellow squash, sliced
2-3 green peppers, sliced
Salt/Pepper to taste
Add the above to the garlic/oil. Simmer for about 1 hour.
Add a handful of chopped basil, a few leaves of oregano (all from the garden if possible)
1 cup red wine
Simmer while preparing the Zucchini
Fried Zucchini
Baseball Bat Zucchini
Olive oil
Garden Sauce from above
2 eggs, a little water, whisked in medium bowl (I used a little almond milk-it was fine!)
Slice your Baseball Bat, I mean Zucchini in 1/4" slices.
On a plate mix a handful of flour and 1 C breadcrumbs
Heat a large fry pan and add some olive oil to coat the bottom.
Dip the Zucchini slice into the egg wash then toss in the flour/breadcrumbs then into the fry pan. Cook until the oil is creeping over the top edge of the zucchini slice and flip!
Grease a baking pan lightly with PAM or drizzle with olive oil.
Lay down the fried zucchini slices, add some garden sauce, a sprinkle of Parmesan, then repeat until you run out of fried zucchini. Cover with a sprinkle of Mozzarella.
Bake about 30 minutes at 300 F.
Submitted by Nancy Nutile-McMenemy
Follow Photos By Nanci at:
Photos by Nanci Blog
SmugMug Galleries
Friday, August 23, 2013
Request for Bids for Perkinsville School Demolition
1. Separate sealed BIDS for the Former Perkinsville School Buildings Demolition (PROJECT). A general summary of the PROJECT is listed below:
The Former Perkinsville School Property
consists of interconnected buildings from 1879, 1954 and 1969. This
project includes demolition of the 1954 and 1969 buildings which total
approximately 13,350 square feet. The buildings are single story, slab
on grade, with a concrete building foundation. Asbestos and Universal
Hazardous Waste will be removed prior to this project and are not part
of the proposed work. Work also includes: capping sewer lines and
removal of a grease trap and septic tank; removal of one 6,000 gallon
heating oil underground storage tank; extending water and electric
service from an existing well to the remaining 1879 building;
backfilling; parking areas; and landscaping.
These bids will be received by Town of Weathersfield, VT
at the office of the Town Manager, Martin Memorial Hall, 5259 Route 5, Ascutney, VT 05030(Address of the Project Owner)
until Wednesday, September 25 , (Prevailing Local Time) 3:00 PM , 2013 , and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.
This ADVERTISEMENT for BIDS is being
sent out prior to CONTRACT DOCUMENTS being available. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS
will be available on Wednesday, September 4, 2013. The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the following locations:
Weston & Sampson 98 So. Main St., Waterbury, VT 05676 |
Blueprints Etc. 20 Farrell St., So. Burlington, VT 05403 |
Town of Weathersfield Martin Memorial Hall, 5259 Route 5, Ascutney, VT 05030 |
Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be
obtained at: Blueprints, Etc., 20 Farrell Street, Suite 101, South
Burlington, VT 05403 upon payment of $ 60.00 for each set
(non-refundable). The bidding documents are copyrighted. No Duplication
or distribution by anyone other than by Blueprints, Etc. or those
permitted by the Engineer to print and distribute bid documents is
allowed by law. Construction blueprints and specifications may not be
reproduced without prior written consent of the Engineer.
2. Award will be made to the lowest responsive, responsible BIDDER.
2.1 BIDDER acknowledges that contract may not be awarded solely on low bid, but on overall value to OWNER.
2.2. BIDDER is
encouraged to utilize LOCAL SUBCONTRACTORS, as defined as business
whose primary location is within 30 miles of the PROJECT.
2.3 To
qualify BIDDER’s capacity as responsive and responsible, upon OWNER’s
request of the low bid received, BIDDER shall submit to OWNER
qualifications for the past three (3) years of business that include but
not limited to: name and address of firm; when organized; if
corporation then where incorporated; number of years firm has engaged in
contracting under your present firm or trade name; general character of
work performed by firm; list any projects that resulted in a failure to
complete and why; list any current regulatory violations that are
pending resolution and why; provide a written description of three (3)
similar contracts stating approximate gross cost for each, date of work,
name of project owner and reference contact information; provide the
background and experience of the principal members of your firm; provide
the background and experience of your Supervisor/Foreman you propose to
represent your firm at the site during the construction period; furnish
bank and credit references; provide detailed financial statement and
furnish any other information that may be requested by OWNER during the
evaluation of your BID.
2.4 BIDDER is
familiar with PROJECT including all federal, state and local Laws and
Regulations that may affect: cost; progress; regulatory compliance for
workers, materials, transportation and waste disposal; and general
furnishing of work.
2.5 It is the intent of the Owner to issue a Notice to Proceed on or about September 30, 2013.
3. All Bids must be made on the blank form of the BID proposal. No lines on the BID may be left blank. Failure to fully complete the BID will render the Bidder non-responsive, and the Bid will not be read.
In the event there is any discrepancy in the PROPOSAL between any price
in words, figures, or the extended totals, the price in words shall
govern and the extended totals in each case shall be corrected
4. A Bid Bond or Certified Check in the amount of 5% of the total Bid submitted must accompany the Bid. Failure to submit such with the Bid will render the Bidder non-responsive, and the Bid will not be read.
As soon as the BID prices have been compared, the OWNER will return the
certified checks of all except the three lowest responsive, responsible
BIDDERS. When the Agreement is executed, the certified checks of the
two remaining unsuccessful BIDDERS will be returned. The certified check
of the successful BIDDER will be retained until the payment BOND and
performance BOND have been executed and approved, after which it will be
5. A Bidder may withdraw any
proposal submitted prior to the hour set for the closing of the Bids
provided the request is signed in a manner identical with the proposal
being withdrawn. No Bidder may withdraw a Bid within 45 days after the
actual date of the opening.
6. The Owner will be responsible for payment in accordance with the terms of the Contract.
A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference for
prospective bidders will be held at the PROJECT Site located at 1862
Vermont Route 106, Perkinsville, Town of Weathersfield, Vermont on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 10:00 am.
Representatives of Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc. will be
present to answer questions from bidders. All bidders and any person in
attendance are responsible for their own site safety during the pre-bid
Jim Mullen, Town Manager
Planning Commission Meeting Agenda 8-26-2013
Monday, August 26, 2013 7:00PM
Weathersfield Town Offices
Martin Memorial Hall, 5259 Route 5
Ascutney, Vermont
- Introductions
- Elect Vice- Chair of the Commission
III. Approval of minutes: Meeting of August 12, 2013
IV. Review Meeting Agenda – additions, corrections
- Public Hearings:
- Zoning Bylaw Revision
- Sect. 6.6.2 Home Industries (amendment)
- Zoning Bylaw Revision
VI. Requests/Reviews: None.
- Discussions
- Town Plan Revision
- Land Use chapter (remanded by Select Board to discuss healthy community provisions with MAPP representatives)
- Utilities and Facilities
- Natural, Scenic & Historic Resources
- Town Plan Revision
- Public Comment
IX. Set or reinforce the agenda, date, time, and place for the next meeting
- Adjournment
Thursday, August 22, 2013
VTel offering Lifeline for Internet
Telephone Company (VTel), is offering a program called Lifeline for
Internet, which offers high-speed access to income-qualified Vermonters,
for as little as $9.95 a month. VTel also has a limited supply of free
computers to offer new Internet subscribers – so don’t wait! Call
802.885.9000 and ask about Lifeline for Internet, and about VTel’s free
Chromebook program. Enrollment is open until October 31, 2013 – call
Cannon to Fire at 10:30 am at the Springfield Country Club
Thursday 08/22 at approximately 1030 hours the Springfield Country Club
will be holding its 60th Anniversary celebration. They plan on having a
cannon on site and will be discharging a dummy round.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Zoning Board Piublic Hearing 9-11-2013 Wyman
A public hearing before the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Town of Weathersfield will be held at the Town Office in Ascutney on
Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 7:00 PM
to consider the following application:
#08.1913 by Carl Wyman for construction of a single family home and outbuildings on Plains Road (parcel 08-01-06.2) in the Conservation zoning district within 300 feet of a mapped deer wintering area.
The above application is available for inspection at the Town Office in Ascutney. Persons wishing to appeal and be heard may do so in person or be represented by an agent or attorney. Participation in this proceeding is required in order to ensure your ability to appeal the Zoning Board’s decision. Communications about the above application may be filed in writing with the Zoning Board of Adjustment or at the hearing.
David Gulbrandsen, Chair
Weathersfield Zoning Board of Adjustment
A public hearing before the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Town of Weathersfield will be held at the Town Office in Ascutney on
Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 7:00 PM
to consider the following application:
#08.1913 by Carl Wyman for construction of a single family home and outbuildings on Plains Road (parcel 08-01-06.2) in the Conservation zoning district within 300 feet of a mapped deer wintering area.
The above application is available for inspection at the Town Office in Ascutney. Persons wishing to appeal and be heard may do so in person or be represented by an agent or attorney. Participation in this proceeding is required in order to ensure your ability to appeal the Zoning Board’s decision. Communications about the above application may be filed in writing with the Zoning Board of Adjustment or at the hearing.
David Gulbrandsen, Chair
Weathersfield Zoning Board of Adjustment
Perkinsville Church Chicken Bar-B-Q
Saturday, August 24, 2013
the Green, Perkinsville
Starting at 12:00 noon
Menu: 1/2 chicken, baked beans, potato salad, roll, brownie and beverage all for
1/2 chicken only $5.00
Monday, August 19, 2013
Residents Want Town to Stop ‘Head Shops’
Residents Want Town to Stop ‘Head Shops’
Monday, August 19, 2013
Weathersfield — Residents are taking proactive steps to keep their
community safe by proposing a local ordinance. A group of six women met
Thursday at Martin Memorial Hall to develop a town ordinance that will
prohibit future “head shops” where tobacco and drug paraphernalia are
sold and marijuana dispensaries where nonprofits are permitted to grow
marijuana for medical purposes. The women are stepping forward because
they say they want to …Residents Want Town to Stop ‘Head Shops’
By Christian Avard
Rutland Herald
Rutland Herald
Monday, August 19, 2013
(Published in print: Monday, August 19, 2013)
(Published in print: Monday, August 19, 2013)
Weathersfield — Residents are taking proactive steps to keep their community safe by proposing a local ordinance.
A group of six women met Thursday at Martin Memorial Hall to develop a town ordinance that will prohibit future “head shops” where tobacco and drug paraphernalia are sold and marijuana dispensaries where nonprofits are permitted to grow marijuana for medical purposes.
The women are stepping forward because they say they want to shape their own community and encourage economic development consistent with the town’s character.
“It’s our overall vision for a healthy, sustainable and vibrant community,” Melanie Sheehan of the Mount Ascutney Prevention Program said. “We want to promote positive economic development and Weathersfield’s historical beauty, not the proliferation of a drug culture.”
According to Sheehan, the two Weathersfield locations that sell tobacco and drug paraphernalia are a gas station on Route 131 and The Magic Mushroom on Route 5. While the group recognizes their right to conduct their business, they also want to prevent similar businesses from coming in.
According to local resident Cookie Shand, this isn’t the first time Weathersfield has dealt with controversial businesses.
“We fought (an adult drive-in) because we didn’t like the distinct name of ‘Smuttyville.’ We have a chance to change all that,” Shand said.
According to town and state officials, towns can exercise their right to prohibit head shops from operating. The sale of drug paraphernalia is restricted in Vermont according to state statute and a village ordinance tightens the law.
The state Legislature also passed a law last session that would allow four medicinal marijuana dispensaries to open across the state. The Department of Public Safety has approved two locations in Burlington and Waterbury. Dispensary operators must be a nonprofit organization, specify a proposed location, include security plans, and provide information on where they will grow marijuana.
Ludlow Village passed an ordinance of their own — similar to the Weathersfield proposal — last December which has not been legally challenged since, Sheehan said.
The ad hoc group will discuss a similar ordinance tonight at the Selectboard meeting and at a future planning commission meeting.
“I think the Magic Mushroom gave us a spark to get fired up, and people are talking about not the store but to get involved in shaping the community. They’re saying, ‘This is about what we want Weathersfield to look like,’ ” Sheehan said.
Shand agreed.
“It’s just that we’re looking down the road five to 10 years from now and we want to determine what kind of community do we want,” Shand said.
Work Update Week of Aug 19, 2013 - Route 131 Paving Project
Work Update
Weathersfield Route 12/131
AOT Project No: 2913(1)
Saturday, August 17, 2013 – Crews may be doing some minor excavation clean-up work throughout the project.
Week of August 19th, 2013
Traffic Safety Warning – Crews
are asking motorists who are exiting driveways or businesses on Route
131 to be aware that they may be pulling into a construction zone. With
the milling and reclamation construction zones taking up to a mile of
one lane, a flag person may not be stationed in the exact area to assist
someone in pulling out. If there is no flagger present, motorists
should wait for traffic flow in the direction they want to go before
pulling out.
The construction zone will be marked with orange cones along the centerline.
VT Route 131 – I91 Interchange to Downer’s Corners
Excavation – Crews will continue installing new underdrain from Weathersfield Center Road and Victory Drive.
Reclamation – Crews will continue
reclaiming the roadway between Lottery Lane and Thrasher Road
throughout the week. Reclaiming consists of rototilling the existing
milled pavement leaving the roadway a gravel surface. Motorists are
encouraged to reduce speed and use caution when driving over the gravel
Milling – Milling crews will finish up work either Monday or Tuesday between Golf Road (West) and Downer’s Corners.
TRAFFIC DELAYS – ALL operations will require travel to be
reduced to alternating one-way travel around the construction packages.
Traffic control personnel will be present to assist in maintaining
traffic flow. Motorists should anticipate traffic delays while traveling through the project and plan accordingly. Please allow for extra time in your travel plans.Contact Francine Perkins, Public Relations Officer, FRP Enterprises, LLC with any questions or concerns with regards to the project at 802-479-6994 or for a more up to date schedule visit
Saturday, August 17, 2013
WWVFD Chicken B-B-Q
West Weathersfield Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting a Chicken Bar-B-Que at their station on Route 131 on Saturday August 24th from 11:30 to 5:30 pm
Northern Borders at Springfield Cinema
Jay Craven's new film, "Northern Borders" one show only at Springfield Cinema 3 on Wednesday, August 21st at 8:30 pm. Written and directed by Jay Craven and based on the novel by Howard Frank Mosher.
Thank you for sharing Weathersfield Proctor Library!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Cat Found in Ascutney, VT
found in ascutney Vt not sure if this cat was abandoned or is lost female
please call Cathy Sullivan, Animal Control at 603-477-1229 if you know her
Thank You Lucy mckenzie for helping the person that found her with flea treatment!
please call Cathy Sullivan, Animal Control at 603-477-1229 if you know her
Thank You Lucy mckenzie for helping the person that found her with flea treatment!
Margaritas Benefit for Ascutney Fire!!
Thursday, August 22, 2013 from 5 pm until 11 pm
Margaritas Restaurant is celebrating its quarterly Moonlight Madness party on August 22nd with all proceeds from the bar/lounge going to Ascutney Volunteer Fire Department!!
This party takes place ONLY in the bar/lounge area, but includes full menu service. They're planning raffles, prizes, music, etc.
Ascutney Fire will also be on hand to sell $10 golf balls for their Great Golf Ball Drop fundraiser in the fall.
18 Centerra Parkway, Lebanon, New Hampshire
Margaritas Restaurant is celebrating its quarterly Moonlight Madness party on August 22nd with all proceeds from the bar/lounge going to Ascutney Volunteer Fire Department!!
This party takes place ONLY in the bar/lounge area, but includes full menu service. They're planning raffles, prizes, music, etc.
Ascutney Fire will also be on hand to sell $10 golf balls for their Great Golf Ball Drop fundraiser in the fall.
18 Centerra Parkway, Lebanon, New Hampshire
Wellwood Orchard Customer Appreciation Day 2013
Special Announcement:
Saturday, August 31, 2013 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
NEW!!!! MAGIC SHOW by "HOCUS POCUS" from 10am to 11 am
*See your Local Fire & Police Departments,
*Face Painter Extraordinaire- Linda Weiser,
*Enjoy Balloon animals with "Cheryl the Clown" and
*Acoustic Guitar by John Laware.
FREE: hotdogs, chips, soda, kids games, petting zoo, face painting, balloon art, contests, wagon rides and prizes.
!!!!!!Games and food begin after the MAGIC show!!!
This is OUR day to celebrate YOU, our loyal customers.
529 Wellwood Orchard Road, Weathersfield, Vermont
Saturday, August 31, 2013 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
NEW!!!! MAGIC SHOW by "HOCUS POCUS" from 10am to 11 am
*See your Local Fire & Police Departments,
*Face Painter Extraordinaire- Linda Weiser,
*Enjoy Balloon animals with "Cheryl the Clown" and
*Acoustic Guitar by John Laware.
FREE: hotdogs, chips, soda, kids games, petting zoo, face painting, balloon art, contests, wagon rides and prizes.
!!!!!!Games and food begin after the MAGIC show!!!
This is OUR day to celebrate YOU, our loyal customers.
529 Wellwood Orchard Road, Weathersfield, Vermont
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Meeting- Weathersfield Democrats
Mark your Calendars...
Town of Weathersfield
Martin Memorial Hall
Route 5 Ascutney, VT
Thursday September 19, 2013 7 p.m.
Election of Town Committee
Election of Officers by the Town Committee
Election of County Committee Members
Coaches Needed
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at 2:23PM
Anyone interested in coaching soccer, looking for all levels, please contact Kelly Harriman @ 802-380-0646 or by email at
Welcome Back School & Community Sing Along
Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at 2:48PM
An Invitation
This school is way too quiet and empty without children! Well, the good news is that in 8 business days, school will begin again... HURRAH!! Travis Ramsey and I would like to invite you to a Welcome Back Community & School Sing Along on the first day of school, Monday, August 26, 2013, at 1:45 pm in the gym.
We plan to introduce new faculty, staff and students and sing a few old fashioned songs together.
Sound like fun? Can't wait! Please mark you calendars and join us on Aug 26th!
This school is way too quiet and empty without children! Well, the good news is that in 8 business days, school will begin again... HURRAH!! Travis Ramsey and I would like to invite you to a Welcome Back Community & School Sing Along on the first day of school, Monday, August 26, 2013, at 1:45 pm in the gym.
We plan to introduce new faculty, staff and students and sing a few old fashioned songs together.
Sound like fun? Can't wait! Please mark you calendars and join us on Aug 26th!
Select Board Meeting Agenda 8/19/2013
Weathersfield Select Board
and Planning Commission
Town Highway Garage
Stoughton Pond Rd
Monday, August 19th, 2013
Regular Meeting
7:00 PM
Note: Location at Highway Garage
1. Call to Order
2. Comments from Citizens and Select Board Members
3. Review Minutes from Previous Meetings
4. Regular Business
C. Perkinsville School - Retain Ownership of 1879 Building?
- Weathersfield Food Shelf Committee: Request for dedicated use of space in 1879 building
- Update on project to remove hazardous materials from 2 additionsD. Fire Commission Update E. PACE Update F. Speed Limit on Thrasher Road G. First Reading: Policy on Driver License Record Checks and Proof of Insurance
A. Ancient Roads Committee
B. Budget Committee (One Opening)
C. Connecticut River Development Corporation
Representative + Alternate
D. Connecticut River Joint Commission
E. CRJC Mt Ascutney Subcommittee
F. Crown Point Road Advisory Committee (Five Openings)
G. Conservation Commission
H. Fence Viewer (Two Openings)
I. Parks and Recreation Commission (Four Openings)J. River Connection Regional Partnership Representative
K. Southeastern Vermont Community Action, Inc. Representative
L. Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commissioner
7. Future Meeting Agenda Items Tuesday, September 3, 2013 (Martin Memorial Hall)
Future Undated Meeting(s) Items
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