Friday, June 30, 2017
July 1, Penalty for Using Cellphone While Driving Increases
There’s a heads up for drivers. It's already against the law to use your cellphone while driving, but in a couple of days, the penalty is going to get worse.
Adult drivers caught using a cellphone behind the wheel face a fine of $162. But beginning July 1, tickets will also come with two points on your license.
Lt. John Flannigan from the Vermont State Police says that nearly three years into our hands-free law, state troopers still see a lot of drivers with the phone up to their ear or texting.
"Many drivers aren't getting the message and we're hoping that now adding points and making it a true moving violation, that some will put their phones down," said Flannigan.
Law enforcement agencies across the state have also cracked down on those using electronics while driving. In 2014, officers issued 412 tickets. Just two years later that number rose to 4,113 tickets.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Aging In Place Meeting
An Aging In Place planning meeting will be held Monday June 26 at 4 PM in Weathersfield Town Hall, Ascutney. Come and join your neighbors in helping to create a resource guide aimed at helping seniors remain at home as long as possible as we age. Questions call Peggy at 802 263-9553.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Community Survey from the Weathersfield School Board
Community Survey from the Weathersfield School Board
June 13, 2017
The Weathersfield School Board would like your
thoughts to inform the vision and direction for the Board for the coming year.
As residents, parents, and community members, your views are important to us.
The Board will compile the responses to this survey and consider them with
other sources of input including school staff during our Board retreat at the
end of July. This survey will be sent out electronically as a survey monkey and
in hard copy form. Please send hard copy
responses to the Weathersfield School office by July 10, 2017. The survey monkey should also be completed by
the same date. Thank you for helping the Weathersfield School continue to be a
great resource in our community.
What are you most
proud of about our school?
What would you like to
see changed or improved?
What other information
would you like us to know?
How do you get news
about the school? How can we improve in
this area?
The Weathersfield Act 46 Committee continues
to seek input on how our community can meet the expectations of the law and
still meet the needs of our community. The committee is meeting on June 15, 2017 at 7 p.m. in room 210 at
Windsor School. Windsor and West Windsor are considering a merger. Hartland
and Weathersfield have the same Pre K through 8 grade structure and they both
have high school choice. If Weathersfield and Hartland decide not to merge
voluntarily the law would allow a forced merger. Either way, high school choice would be preserved as it is now, but
the school boards and budgets would be combined. Do you have any thoughts or
concerns about this that the board should consider?
Opinions matter!
The Weathersfield School Board
JeanMarie K. Oakman, Principal
Weathersfield School
135 Schoolhouse Road
Ascutney, Vermont 05030
(802) 674-5400, ext. 129
Fax: (802) 674-9963
Monday, June 12, 2017
Act 46 Meeting - Come Ask Questions and Stay Informed!
Your attendance is requested at the Act 46 meeting, Thursday, June 15th at 7 pm at Windsor High School, Room 210. A time and place to stay informed and ask questions.
Please share!
Please share!
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Senior Exercise Program at Martin Memorial Hall
Senior Exercise Program in Ascutney: Free. Sponsored by RSPV. Mondays and Wednesdays 10-11 a.m. in basement of Martin Memorial Hall, Route 5, Ascutney. Classes are led by Sandy Lemois. If interested call 674-5254 for more information.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Work Day Scheduled for June 24 at 1879 Schoolhouse
Friends of the 1879 Schoolhouse,
Saturday June 24th is our next volunteer workday on the 1879 Schoolhouse from 8 AM to 3 PM. For those of you who have more weekday availability, I am putting Wednesdays June 7th and 21st from 9 AM to 1 PM on the schedule. Please let me know if you can make any of those days.
Although there will be some small finishing touches on the ell to do, we will be concentrating on continuing the window frame restoration on the north side weather permitting. If not we will be working on the inside portion of the transom windows, and fixing up the north classroom for future use.
I look forward to working with you,
Matt Keniston - For the 1879 Schoolhouse Committee.
Saturday June 24th is our next volunteer workday on the 1879 Schoolhouse from 8 AM to 3 PM. For those of you who have more weekday availability, I am putting Wednesdays June 7th and 21st from 9 AM to 1 PM on the schedule. Please let me know if you can make any of those days.
Although there will be some small finishing touches on the ell to do, we will be concentrating on continuing the window frame restoration on the north side weather permitting. If not we will be working on the inside portion of the transom windows, and fixing up the north classroom for future use.
I look forward to working with you,
Matt Keniston - For the 1879 Schoolhouse Committee.
70th Anniversary of the B-29 Crash on Hawks Mountain
A hike to the crash site is offered following the ceremony.
For those who do not wish to hike, the documentary video of the dedication of the historical marker on the Green 10 years ago may be viewed in the vestry of the Perkinsville Church.
Refreshments will be served.
For additional information call 802-885-9517.
Heat Pump Workshop
Cold Climate Heat Pumps: Do they make sense for you?
Heat Pump Workshop
Martin Hall, 5159 Route 5, Ascutney, VT
(Weathersfield Town Office)
Cold climate heat pumps have rapidly emerged as a promising technology for Vermont. Come to this informal workshop to learn about heat pump options for hot water and space heating/cooling.
• the latest in heat pumps technologies
• the relative cost and savings compared with other fuel sources and systems
• financial incentives available
Co-sponsored by: Efficiency Vermont and The Ascutney Area Sustainability Collaborative
For more information: Contact Julia at 802-674-5280
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Weathersfield Environmental Lawyer Picked to Head State Public Service Board
Environmental attorney Anthony Roisman will replace Jim Volz as chair of the Public Service Board, Gov. Phil Scott announced Thursday afternoon.
Roisman, of Weathersfield, has fought a range of environmental cases over the course of his legal career, often involving energy or toxics. He will assume the post on June 12 when Volz’s term expires.
The board oversees the siting of energy infrastructure, as well as public utility rates and service quality. In recent years, the board has been caught up in controversy over the siting of large-scale ridgetop wind projects. Environmentalists are split on the issue. Most believe renewables are an essential substitute for fossil fuel energy sources that are contributing to climate change. Others say turbines are a blight on the landscape and result in local environmental damage.
$210K in Price Scanner Violations Issued to VT Dollar Generals
In response to 47 separate price scanner violations, the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markers has issued more than $210,000 in penalties to Vermont Dollar General stores since 2013, including $24,000 in penalties this year. Agency inspectors have observed repeated pricing inaccuracies which could shortchange consumers, such as discrepancies between the posted shelf price and the price charged at the register.
Locally, Black River Meats in Springfield received a violation on Jan. 27 for short weight, meaning that the weight label was not accurate, as it did not reflect the weight of the product without the packaging. Black Watch Farm in Weathersfield was cited for a similar issue on March 1, 2016.
The issue was corrected and no fine was issued in both of those cases.
Green Mountain Fudge, also in Springfield, was cited on April 13, 2015 for no net weight, an issue that was also corrected without a fine.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Wellwood Orchards 2nd Annual Strawberry Festival
Who to Call for Burn Permits... Yes, they are Required!
If you are looking for a burn permit here are who you are to call.
Forest Fire Warden: Darrin Spaulding 802-296-1888
Keyman: Tom Heiser 674-6664
Deputy Fire Warden: Josh Dauphin 802-356-0623
Keyman: Mychael Spaulding 802-356-0038
Please give us 24 hr notice if you would like to burn.
Leaving a voicemail telling us you are burning is not a permit.
We will only give permits out for brush and clean wood , such as wood slabs .
Thank you,
Fire Warden Darrin Spaulding
Pesky Critters? No More!
If You Are Having Issues With Pesky Critters Here Is A Number You Can Call.
Animal Damage Control
Animal Damage Control is a full-service wildlife control company serving Springfield VT and the surrounding area.
We specialize in urban and suburban wildlife damage management for both residential and commercial customers.
We are state licensed by the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Commission.
We handle nearly all aspects of wildlife control, and resolve conflicts between people and wildlife in a humane and professional manner.
For Springfield pest control of wildlife, just give us a call at 802-428-4725 - yes, we answer our phones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - and we will discuss your wildlife problem and schedule an appointment to solve it.
We look forward to hearing from you!
French and Indian War Encampment at The Fort at No. 4 in Charlestown, NH
Community · 343 people
Gordon S Gurney, 85
Gordon “Sam” Gurney, 85, died peacefully Sunday, May 28, 2017, at his home in Weathersfield, Vermont, after a lengthy illness. He was born April 12, 1932, in Springfield, Vermont, the son of John Gordon and Lillian (McDonnell) Gurney. He attended Springfield schools, graduating from Springfield High School Class of 1951. He served in the United States Army, and later graduated from Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, Massachusetts.
In 1957, Sam bought his first Caterpillar D-4 and that was the beginning of Gurney Bros. Construction of North Springfield, Vermont.
In June 1957, he married Beverly Anne Prouty-Lee in Springfield, Vermont.
On July 6, 1991, he married Jane (Frothingham) Harding at his home in Weathersfield, Vermont.
Sam was an avid naturalist with a vast knowledge of everything outdoors. He shared his knowledge as a gift with anyone who would listen.
He was a devoted family man who wanted his family to be together and enjoyed all family gatherings, large and small.
He is survived by his wife, Jane Harding Gurney; one son, Paul G. Gurney of Brandon, Vermont; one daughter, Kim G. Jones of Wallingford, Vermont; two stepsons, John G. Harding and Michael H. Harding, both of Boulder, Colorado; one brother, John J. Gurney of Douglas, Arizona; six sisters, Barbara L. Newport of Windsor, Vermont, Joy Harvey of Saranac Lake, New York, Caroline Staubach of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Nancy Moore of Chester, Vermont, Laura Messier of St. Johnsbury, Vermont and Harriet Abel of Southampton, Massachusetts; four grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and many nieces, nephews and cousins.
He was predeceased by his parents; two brothers, Donald I. Gurney Sr. and David Gurney; and one sister, Priscilla Whitcomb.
A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 17, at the Weathersfield Center Church in Weathersfield, Vermont. Reverend Susan Church will officiate.
Burial will follow at the Plain Cemetery in Perkinsville, Vermont.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in his memory to the Ascutney Mountain Audubon Society, P.O. Box 191, Springfield, VT 05156.
Davis Memorial Chapel in Springfield, Vermont is assisting with arrangements.
In 1957, Sam bought his first Caterpillar D-4 and that was the beginning of Gurney Bros. Construction of North Springfield, Vermont.
In June 1957, he married Beverly Anne Prouty-Lee in Springfield, Vermont.
On July 6, 1991, he married Jane (Frothingham) Harding at his home in Weathersfield, Vermont.
Sam was an avid naturalist with a vast knowledge of everything outdoors. He shared his knowledge as a gift with anyone who would listen.
He was a devoted family man who wanted his family to be together and enjoyed all family gatherings, large and small.
He is survived by his wife, Jane Harding Gurney; one son, Paul G. Gurney of Brandon, Vermont; one daughter, Kim G. Jones of Wallingford, Vermont; two stepsons, John G. Harding and Michael H. Harding, both of Boulder, Colorado; one brother, John J. Gurney of Douglas, Arizona; six sisters, Barbara L. Newport of Windsor, Vermont, Joy Harvey of Saranac Lake, New York, Caroline Staubach of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Nancy Moore of Chester, Vermont, Laura Messier of St. Johnsbury, Vermont and Harriet Abel of Southampton, Massachusetts; four grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and many nieces, nephews and cousins.
He was predeceased by his parents; two brothers, Donald I. Gurney Sr. and David Gurney; and one sister, Priscilla Whitcomb.
A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 17, at the Weathersfield Center Church in Weathersfield, Vermont. Reverend Susan Church will officiate.
Burial will follow at the Plain Cemetery in Perkinsville, Vermont.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in his memory to the Ascutney Mountain Audubon Society, P.O. Box 191, Springfield, VT 05156.
Davis Memorial Chapel in Springfield, Vermont is assisting with arrangements.
Backyard Composting Workshops
It is not too late to sign up for a backyard composting workshop.
There are four of them and they are all free. If you want to purchase a SoilSaver composter and/or Sure-Close kitchen scrap pail, you can buy them at the workshop, for $25.00 and $5.00, respectively.
• Rockingham Public Library - Wednesday, May 17
• Windsor Public Library - Wednesday, June 7
• Springfield Town Library - Thursday, June 8
• Fletcher Memorial Library in Ludlow - Wednesday, June 14
The workshop presentation is about 45 minutes in length with plenty of time afterwards for questions and answers.
Cat Buxton will teach the workshops.
To sign up, call 674-9235 or email mobrien@swcrpc.org .
Please bring a check or cash as we cannot process credit cards.
Andover belongs to the 14-town Southern Windsor/Windham Counties Solid Waste Management District which is hosting the workshops. www.vtsolidwastedistrict.org
There are four of them and they are all free. If you want to purchase a SoilSaver composter and/or Sure-Close kitchen scrap pail, you can buy them at the workshop, for $25.00 and $5.00, respectively.
• Rockingham Public Library - Wednesday, May 17
• Windsor Public Library - Wednesday, June 7
• Springfield Town Library - Thursday, June 8
• Fletcher Memorial Library in Ludlow - Wednesday, June 14
The workshop presentation is about 45 minutes in length with plenty of time afterwards for questions and answers.
Cat Buxton will teach the workshops.
To sign up, call 674-9235 or email mobrien@swcrpc.org .
Please bring a check or cash as we cannot process credit cards.
Andover belongs to the 14-town Southern Windsor/Windham Counties Solid Waste Management District which is hosting the workshops. www.vtsolidwastedistrict.org
Ascutney Fire Association Annual Yard Sale
Ascutney Volunteer Fire Association is holding a Spring Yard Sale on June 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.
June 2nd and 3rd 7:00 am - 4:00 pm
June 4th 7:00 am - 1:00 pm
We are accepting donations for the yard sale on Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm - 8:30pm, and also by appointment.
Please call Katie @ 802-376-5070 to schedule a time.
June 2nd and 3rd 7:00 am - 4:00 pm
June 4th 7:00 am - 1:00 pm
We are accepting donations for the yard sale on Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm - 8:30pm, and also by appointment.
Please call Katie @ 802-376-5070 to schedule a time.
Seeking Local Businesses Who WIsh to be Considered for Non-Bid Required Projects
The Town of Weathersfield is seeking local businesses who wish to be considered in the event the Town requires services within their professional field. We are hoping to attract interest for the Non-Bid Required projects that might come up in the following areas:
Interested contractors must be able to provide the following:
Proper Certifications
Current Certificate of Insurance
Business Card to Identify Contractor as being in business
Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification.
Non-Employee Work Agreement (Town Office)
If you are interested, please send your business/company’s information, and required documentation listed above, to:
Town Manager
Ed Morris
P O Box 550
Ascutney, VT 05030
Interested contractors must be able to provide the following:
Proper Certifications
Current Certificate of Insurance
Business Card to Identify Contractor as being in business
Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification.
Non-Employee Work Agreement (Town Office)
If you are interested, please send your business/company’s information, and required documentation listed above, to:
Town Manager
Ed Morris
P O Box 550
Ascutney, VT 05030
What Is It? Where'd That Saying Come From?
The Weathersfield Historical Society is sponsoring a public program about old tools and old sayings on Saturday, June 24, 2017.
Entitled "What Is It? "Where'd That Saying Come From," the program will feature old tools from the Historical Society collection and old Vermont sayings collected by Historical Society members.
Bring an old tool for identification or an old saying to be clarified.
The program will be held at the Weathersfield Center Meeting House from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
Dessert will be served.
Call 802-885-9517 for more information.
Entitled "What Is It? "Where'd That Saying Come From," the program will feature old tools from the Historical Society collection and old Vermont sayings collected by Historical Society members.
Bring an old tool for identification or an old saying to be clarified.
The program will be held at the Weathersfield Center Meeting House from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
Dessert will be served.
Call 802-885-9517 for more information.
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