
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Geological Survey in Weathersfield / Landowner Permission Needed

Groundwater Mapping, 2016
Geologist & Team in Town

This summer you may see a small group of people digging auger holes or cutting into sand banks. Some of you may be contacted by this group, who will ask to look at the surficial materials on your property. The scientists are required to have landowner permission to access the property, but otherwise they are unobtrusive and may only need to spend an hour or so walking the land.

The future maps will:
o help landowners and the town to plan for future water supplies
o identify better water sources for fire protection
o identify groundwater recharge areas
o identify landslide-prone/hazard areas
o identify unique geologic features (Ascutney Boulder Train, remnants from Glaciers)
Volunteer help and any guidance landowners can offer about prime sand pit or sand bank locations is appreciated. The team, made up of student interns, the Vermont Geological Survey and town volunteers, is being led by Dr. Stephen Wright from the University of Vermont.

To learn more details about the project, please go to:
Town of Weathersfield website:
Town of Weathersfield Blog:

The study is being funded in part through a federal grant awarded to the Vermont Geological Survey (VGS) in the Department of Environmental Conservation. The VGS receives funding for basic mapping through the U.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP program. In order to be selected for mapping, towns or other public entities annually apply to the Vermont STATEMAP committee. 

The study will start in June and run through May 2017, with the Geologist and team only in the field during the 2016 summer.

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