
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Prayers for Sale - First Thursday Book Group Read

We are reading Prayers for Sale by Sandra Dallas. 
There are still a few copies of the book here to check out. 
This is a fun and informal book discussion group - feel free to join anytime. .
The March selection is The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman.
Weathersfield Proctor Library

Friday, January 30, 2015

Warning - 2015 Annual Town Meeting

Town of Weathersfield, Vermont
Warning for the Annual Town Meeting
Monday, March 2 and Tuesday, March 3, 2015
The legal voters of the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont, are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Weathersfield School, 135 Schoolhouse Road in Ascutney, in the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont, on Monday, the 2nd day of March, 2015, at 7:30 P.M., to act on the following articles:

Article 1:        Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield accept the reports of the Town’s officers for the period from July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014?

Article 2:        Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select Board to borrow money, if necessary, to pay current expenses in anticipation of taxes in accordance with the provisions of Title 24, Section 1786, of the Vermont Statutes Annotated?

Article 3:        Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select Board to expend such grant monies, gifts, or bequests which may be received by the Town of Weathersfield, in accordance with the terms of said grants, gifts, or bequests?

Article 4:        Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield establish an “1879 Perkinsville Schoolhouse Capital Maintenance and Improvements Reserve Fund” pursuant to Title 24, Section 2804 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, to be used to perform capital maintenance and to make improvements to the building, allowing the Select Board to expend monies from the fund for that purpose?

Article 5:        Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select Board to convey [sell] Parcel No. 09-02-36, an approximately 33 acre parcel with a pond located on Tenney Hill Road, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. 1061(b), with the net proceeds from the sale used first towards paying off any loans borrowed for the purpose of making improvements to the 1879 Perkinsville Schoolhouse and secondly deposited into the “1879 Perkinsville Schoolhouse Capital Maintenance and Improvements Reserve Fund”?

Article 6:        Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield move the start of both the Annual Town Meeting and the Annual School District Meeting to the Saturday preceding the first Tuesday in March beginning on February 27, 2016 and continuing for subsequent years until voters decide otherwise?

Article 7:        To see if the Town of Weathersfield will vote to direct that the annual Town and School Auditors’ Reports be available to the public at the Town Clerk’s Office, in lieu of mailing, and mailed to those who request that a copy be mailed to them, and that a “Notice of Availability” be published in the designated newspaper of record for the Town no less than 30 days prior to the Annual Meetings, as required by Title 24, Section 1682, of the Vermont Statutes Annotated?

            Article 8:        To transact any other business deemed proper when met.

Voting by Australian ballot will be conducted in Martin Memorial Hall, at 5259 U.S. Route 5 in Ascutney, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of March, 2015 [The polls will be open at 10:00 A.M. and will close at 7:00 P.M. on that date], to act on the following articles:

Article 9:        To elect all Town officers as required by law.
Moderator - One Year
Town Clerk – Three Years
Town Treasurer – Three Years
                                    Select Person – Three Years
                                    Select Person - Two Years
                                    Lister – Three Years
                                    Trustee of Public Funds - Three Years
                                    Town Agent - One Year
                                    Grand Juror - One Year
                                    Cemetery Commissioner - Five Years
                                    Library Trustee - Three Years

Article 10:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure of $1,258,844 for the support and operation of the Town’s General Fund? $896,118 shall be raised by property taxation, allowing the Select Board to set the appropriate tax rate.

Article 11:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure of $1,037,746 for the support and operation of the Town’s Highway Fund? $746,575 shall be raised by property taxation, allowing the Select Board to set the appropriate tax rate.

Article 12:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure of $266,550 for the support and operation of the Town’s Solid Waste Management Facility? These monies shall be raised by the collection of fees, allowing the Select Board to set the appropriate fees for the services.

Article 13:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select Board to borrow funds not to exceed $70,000 for a period not to exceed five years for the purpose of making improvements to the 1879 Perkinsville School building? The funds may be borrowed and spent beginning in the current (FY2015) fiscal year.

Article 14:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select Board to borrow funds not to exceed $35,000 for a period not to exceed three years for the purpose of purchasing a light duty pickup truck with plow? The cost of the light duty pickup truck with plow will not exceed $40,000. The new truck will replace a 2006 Ford F-350 with over 114,000 miles on it. The balance of the funds needed to purchase the light duty pickup truck with plow will come from the sale or trade-in of the Town’s existing light duty pickup truck.

Article 15:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select Board to borrow funds not to exceed $16,000 for a period not to exceed three years for the purpose of purchasing a Police cruiser? The cost of the cruiser will not exceed $34,000. The new cruiser will replace a 2009 Chevy Impala police cruiser with over 108,000 miles on it. The balance of the funds needed to purchase the cruiser will be taken from the Police Cruiser Reserve Fund and the sale or trade-in of the Impala. The funds may be borrowed and spent beginning in the current (FY2015) fiscal year.

Article 16:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $15,000, to be deposited into a Reserve Fund for the future acquisition of Highway Maintenance and Repair Equipment? [Not in Budget]
Article 17:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $15,000, to be deposited into a Reserve Fund for the future acquisition of Motorized Fire Apparatus? [Not in Budget]

Article 18:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $30,000 to be deposited in the Weathersfield-Proctor Library Capital Improvements reserve fund? [Not in Budget]

Article 19:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $100 to support the activities of the Weathersfield Directory?   [Not in Budget]

Article 20:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $1,800 to support the activities of the Connecticut River Transit (CRT)?   [Not in Budget]

Article 21:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $2,145 to support the activities of the Health Care and Rehabilitation Services (HCRS)?   [Not in Budget]

Article 22:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $400 to support the activities of Springfield, Vermont Area Public Access Television (SAPA TV)?   [Not in Budget]

Article 23:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $1,200 to support the activities of Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA)?   [Not in Budget]

Article 24:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $600 to support the activities of the Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (VABVI)?   [Not in Budget]

Article 25:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $9,680 to support the activities of the Visiting Nurse and Hospice of Vermont and New Hampshire (VNAVNH)?   [Not in Budget]

Article 26:      Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of $480 to support the activities of the Windsor County Partners (WCP)?   [Not in Budget]

Dated at Weathersfield, Windsor County, Vermont this 28th day of January, 2015.
Weathersfield Select Board: N. John Arrison, Chairperson; Daniel E. Boyer, Vice-Chairperson; Richard N. Clattenburg, Board Clerk; C. Peter Cole, Select Board Member; and David T. Fuller, Select Board Member

Warning - Special Fire Truck Bond Meeting

Special Bond Meeting
Town of Weathersfield, Vermont
The legal voters of the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont, are hereby notified and warned to meet at Martin Memorial Hall, 5259 Route 5, in Ascutney, Town of Weathersfield, Vermont on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. The polls will open at 10:00 a.m. and will close at 7:00 p.m.
ARTICLE I: Shall the general obligation bonds or notes of the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont in an amount not to exceed TWO HUNDRED THIRTY EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS ($238,000), less any reserve funds, grants, donations or other funding sources, be issued for the purpose of financing the cost of a new fire truck, such fire truck estimated at a cost of Three Hundred Eighty Five Thousand Dollars ($385,000)?
Dated at Weathersfield, Windsor County, Vermont this 19th day of January, 2015.
Weathersfield Select Board: N. John Arrison, Chairperson; Daniel E. Boyer, Vice-Chairperson; Richard N. Clattenburg, Board Clerk; C. Peter Cole, Select Board Member; and David T. Fuller, Select Board Member
Town of Weathersfield, Vermont
Public Informational Hearing Notice
Regarding Fire Truck Bond Vote
Monday, March 2, 2015
6:00 PM, Weathersfield School
On Monday, March 2, 2015, the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont will conduct a Public Informational Hearing on the bond article regarding purchase of a fire truck which Town voters will be voting on by Australian Ballot on Tuesday, March 3, 2015.
The Public Informational Hearing will begin at 6:00 PM at the Weathersfield School, 135 Schoolhouse Road, in Ascutney, Town of Weathersfield, Vermont. Information about this public informational hearing may be obtained from Town Manager Jim Mullen at 802.674.2626,
Dated at Weathersfield, Windsor County, Vermont this 19th day of January, 2015.
Weathersfield Select Board: N. John Arrison, Chairperson; Daniel E. Boyer, Vice-Chairperson; Richard N. Clattenburg, Board Clerk; C. Peter Cole, Select Board Member; and David T. Fuller, Select Board Member

Select Board 02/02/2015 Meeting Agenda

Select Board Agenda
Martin Memorial Hall

5259 Route 5
7:00 PM, February 2nd, 2015
Regular Meeting
  1. Call to Order
  1. Comments from Select Board and Citizens on topics not on agenda
  1. Review Minutes from previous meeting(s)
  1. 1879 Perkinsville Schoolhouse Committee - update
  1. Board of Liquor Control Commissioners
-         Second Class License Renewal / Circle K Vermont, Inc. / DBA Circle K
  1. Erica Tucker & Barbara Ball
-         Liquor Control Commissioners (alcohol will be served)
-         Request to use Memorial Grove
-         Request for Large Gathering Permit
  1. First Reading: Amend Personnel Policies regarding length of probationary period for new hires
  1. 2015 Town Meeting preparation
  1. Field team for Weathersfield Town Challenge?
  1. Project Updates
-         Maple Street Reconstruction Project
-         Project for trail access to Town Forest
-         Correspondence regarding appearance of cell tower in Ascutney
-         Well at Highway Garage
-         Phelan Estate
  1. Appointments:
    1. Ancient Roads Committee
    2. Budget Committee (One Opening)
    3. Connecticut River Development Corporation – Representative and Alternate
    4. CRJC Mt Ascutney Subcommittee
    5. Emergency Management Coordinator
    6. Fence Viewer (Two Openings)
    7. Parks and Recreation Commission (One Opening)
    8. River Connection Regional Partnership Representative
    9. Southeastern Vermont Community Action, Inc. Representative
    10. Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commissioner
    11. Transportation Advisory Committee
    12. Veterans’ Memorial Committee
    13. Weathersfield Zoning Board of Adjustment (Three Openings: 2 regular members & 1 Alternate)
  1. Approve Warrants
  1. Future Meeting Agenda Items
  1. Tuesday, 02/017/2015 / Martin Memorial Hall
-     VELCO presentation on Connecticut River Valley Project – Shana Duval
-     Award contract for well drilling at Town Garage     
-     Executive Session: Annual Evaluation of Town Manager
  1. Adjourn

Volunteers in Action is looking for volunteers to deliver meals to the Ascutney and Windsor area

Volunteers in Action is looking for drivers for the Ascutney Route for Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Meals are picked up at the Stougton House @ 10:30 and the route is usually done by12:30. We have several substitutes if the driver needs a week off. We do not drive is unsafe winter conditions. Mileage reimbursement is available. Please consider what you can do for those who can't easily get out to shop and are elderly or handicapped. We all deserve a hot and healthy meal daily. For more information call 674-5971 or email

AVFD hosts "Breakfast for Dinner!"

Are you ready for a variation from your usual dinner fare?  Then come have
Breakfast for Dinner and help support the Ascutney Volunteer Fire Department.
When:    Saturday, February 7, 2015
Where:   Martin Memorial Hall, 5259 Route 5, Ascutney, VT
Time:      5pm - 7pm

Menu:  locally grown eggs, homemade pancakes – regular + blueberry,
homefries, bacon, sausage, fruit salad, pastries, and assorted beverages.
Cost:  Adults $10, Children (6-10) $5, and under 6 is free
To-Go meals will be available
For more information email or call 802-674-6869

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Information Wanted - Robbery - Windsor County Credit Union, Springfield, VT


SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On January 28, 2015 at approximately 1121 hours the Windsor County Credit Union on 383 River Street N. Springfield, Vermont was robbed of a undefined amount of money.

The subject was described as a white male subject approximately 20-30 years of age, 5'6" in height, 120-130 lbs, with a slender build. Subject was further described as wearing black hoodie, black pants, and black footwear with a clean appearance.

The subject entered the credit union and was provided the money after demanding such, an undefined weapon was alleged to be in the possession of the offender; however no weapon was displayed.

Anyone with information regarding this matter is asked to contact the Springfield Police Department at 802-885-2113.

Trespass, Citation to Appear in Court

Date: January 27, 2015
Offense: Trespass
On this date a male subject was charged with trespassing for entering onto property which he was not allowed to be on.
The male was issued a citation to appear in court at a later date.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Remove Snow and Ice from Exterior Vents and Utilities

VERY IMPORTANT.....please help us get this message out by "liking" and "sharing". With snowfall expected at a rate of 2" - 4" an hour overnight, you should devise a plan to remove all snow and ice from your exterior vents and utilities. Additionally the expected high winds will create drifts, which will also need to be monitored and cleared. Why? Because if your furnace cannot breathe, it's not safe!


Press Release
For Immediate Release – January 27, 2015


Montpelier - The Department of Motor Vehicles is commencing a public information campaign on registration plate visibility issues involving faded registration plates, obstructed registration plates and the improper placement of the registration validation sticker.

The following is detailed information on these matters:

Any Vermont registration plate faded to a point in which its numbers and letters have impaired identification must be replaced. A problem with the manufacturing process of plates produced between 2003 and 2005 may cause fading. Accordingly, a provision of law allows for replacement of faded plates at no cost to the owner if the fading is caused by faulty materials or a problem with the manufacturing process.

Owners of vehicles displaying faded registration plates should use the following procedure;
Vehicle owner should fill out a Replacement Plate Application (DMV Form TA-VD-16) available on the Vermont DMV website ( and check the box for two replacement registration plates. Write “FADED PLATES” across the top of the form and check the “faded” box. The vehicle owner will receive a new set of plates, registration and validation sticker within 3 – 4 weeks. Owners will receive a new plate number unless they have vanity or low number plates (four digits or less). Vanity and low number plates will be replaced at no cost. If an owner wishes to keep their registration number and it is not a vanity or low number, they may do so at a cost of $10.00 per plate
This procedure only refers to the replacement of faded plates due to the manufacturing process or faulty materials. Lost or damaged plates must be replaced at the cost of the owner.
Faded plates can be dropped off at any Vermont DMV location or mailed to 120 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05603 (Attention Stockroom).

Vermont law indicates “number plates shall be kept entirely unobscured, and the numerals and the letters thereon shall be plainly legible at all times.” This includes not only the registration plate number (i.e. – ABC123), but also includes the State identification (Vermont) displayed across the top, the words “Green Mountain State” displayed along the bottom and the registration validation sticker. License plate brackets covering any of the aforementioned in any manner which obstructs viewing the plate are unlawful and should be removed.

Registration validation stickers should be affixed to the rear registration plate of the vehicle. Vermont law requires vehicle registration plates with a dimension of approximately 12” X 6” inches to have their affiliated validation sticker affixed in the lower right corner. Registration plates with a dimension of approximately 7” X 4” inches must have their affiliated validation sticker affixed in the upper right corner. Operators of vehicles displaying a validation sticker in any other location are in violation of the law.

Registration validation stickers are designed to self-terminate when removed. If may be necessary for a vehicle owner to request a new validation sticker. Vehicle owners seeking to replace destroyed validation stickers may do so at no cost. To obtain only a replacement validation sticker, vehicle owners should be instructed to complete a Duplicate / Corrected Registration / License or Learner Permit Application (DMV Form TA-VL-15) available on the Vermont DMV website ( Owners / operators should write “VALIDATION STICKER ONLY” across the top and check the box for “stickers needed” and one will be provided. Vehicle owners may also go to any DMV office, present their valid registration card and receive a replacement sticker in hand.
The Department of Motor Vehicles would like to remind citizens the only type plate that is lawful to display on the front of the vehicle, besides an “I AM VERMONT STRONG” plate, is the registration plate assigned to the vehicle. The “I AM VERMONT STRONG” plate may be displayed until June 30, 2016.

The Department of Motor Vehicles is partnering with licensed inspection stations, car dealerships, Town Clerks and law enforcement officers in providing information to the public on these issues. Non-compliance with any of these registration visibility issues could result in the owner/driver of a vehicle being issued a traffic ticket.

Commissioner of Motor Vehicles Robert Ide said, “Clear visibility of the registration plate is important to assure the plate number can be easily recognized. We hope the information we are providing to the public will be helpful in assuring their vehicle’s registration plate is properly displayed.”

Contact Information:
Glendon W. Button
Director of Enforcement and Safety
Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles

West Weathersfield Vol. Fire Dept. Gun Raffle

West Weathersfield
Vol. Fire Dept
$10.00 a TICKET
To buy tickets you can call 802-356-0623 or
Go to Downers Four Corners Store/ Route 106 Deli Store
You’re Choice of a Ruger American Riffle with a Redfield Scope
-22-250 Rem. -223 Rem. 243 Win.
-270 Win. -7mm-08 Rem. -30-06 Rem. -308 Win.
Raffle to be held on March 1, 2015
Must be 18+ years old and pass a
Federal Background to Claim Prize.

February 4, 7 pm, Fire Commission Meeting Rescheduled

The Fire Commission meeting, originally scheduled for tonight, has been rescheduled for February 4th at 7 pm at the West Weathersfield Volunteer Fire Department.

Stay safe during the storm.

This will be the last change (hopefully!)

Lynn :)

Monday, January 26, 2015

Winter Retreat for Adventurous Women!

Announcing a Winter Retreat for Adventurous Women!

Vermont Outdoors Woman has begun accepting registrations for its Annual Winter Doe Camp to be held at the Hulbert Outdoor Center in Fairlee, VT. on March 6 - 8, 2015.

Winter Doe Camp is a women's weekend retreat for outdoor skill development, adventure, education, camaraderie and just plain fun.

We highly recommend this great event!
Winter Doe Camp is a women's weekend retreat for outdoor skill development, adventure, health and just plain fun. 
Classes include winter survival skills, sports, nature and health programming.

Active Warrant, Attempting to Elude, Excessive Speed, Negligent Operation, Violations of Conditions of Release

On 1/25/2015 at approximately 2345 hours, a Chester Police officer conducted a traffic stop at the intersection of Route 103 North and Smokeshire Road in the Town of Chester. 

As the officer approached the vehicle on foot, the vehicle sped off reaching speeds in excess of 95 MPH. 

The vehicle was pursued into the Town of Cavendish where the vehicle crashed into a snowbank at the intersection of Main Street and High Street. 

A foot pursuit ensued which ended with Joey R Bergeron of Perkinsville, VT being taken into custody for an active warrant. 

Bergeron also faces charges of Attempting to Elude a Police Officer, Excessive Speed, Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle, and several counts of Violations of Conditions of Release.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Expected Snowfall - Monday PM to Wednesday AM

A major winter storm will impact the area on Tuesday.

  Chief Meteorologist Sean Parker and Meteorologist Josh Cingranelli will have up to the minute details on the storm tonight at 10 on Local 44 and 11 on Local 22.

Do you have any questions? We would be happy to answer them.
A major winter storm will impact the area on Tuesday.

Here's a look at snowfall accumulations. The highest totals will be in Windham and Bennington counties as well as the upper valley. 

The main impacts will be travel on the ground as well as the air. 

We're also expecting numerous school closings Tuesday and some that may linger into Wednesday. 

Stay with Local 22 and Local 44 for the very latest forecast. 

Stay safe everyone!

72 Hour Snowfall Forecast - Doesn't Look Pretty

Tonight or tomorrow morning would be a good time to make sure you're stocked up for a few days.
We're in for a good bit of snow between Monday afternoon and Wednesday - particularly in southern Vermont.

Nor'easter Monday Afteroon - Tuesday Night

Early predictions..
Inside the Forecast:
We're tracking a Nor'easter that will arrive on Monday afternoon. Parts of New England will see very significant snowfall. Southern could see amounts in excess of a foot. Lighter amounts are likely to the northwest. The exact storm track will be critical for determining exact snowfall amounts. Please check back for updates.
I'll have more details coming up on "The Weekend" from 8-9am.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Select Board Agenda - 1/27/15

Select Board Agenda
Martin Memorial Hall

5259 Route 5
6:45 PM, Tuesday, January 27th, 2015
Special Meeting
  1. Call to Order
  1. Comments from Select Board and Citizens on topics not on agenda
  1. Adopt FY2016 General Fund, Highway Fund, and Solid Waste Fund Budgets
  1. Approve and sign Warning for 2015 Town Meeting
  1. Sign documents for Special Town Meeting regarding Fire Truck Bond Vote
  1. Executive Session for contract:   Place bid on Vernon police cruiser?
  1. Adjourn

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Robbed on Route 131, Did You Witness This?

On January 21, 2015 this department along with VSP responded to a complaint of a female that was robbed along Vermont Route 131 in Ascutney near the Antique/trading post by a male subject brandishing a gun. 

This occurred around 4:30 in the afternoon. 

The female was on the phone when a male approx. six feet tall, slender build wearing jeans, green army jacket and a black ski mask approached her brandishing a weapon asking for money. 

The male ran off with the money leaving the female unharmed. 

If you witnessed the incident you are asked to call the Weathersfield Police Department. 

Reminder: When you pull over to use the phone, do so in a well lit area.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Habitat Stamp Survey

Got a minute for habitat? Take this survey.

At the suggestion of many Vermonters, Vermont Fish & Wildlife is considering a voluntary Habitat Stamp that would help give wild animals—bears, bobcats, bald eagles, and brookies—more (and better) places to call home. The stamp would also enable more Vermonters to support conserving Vermont's wild spaces.

All funds generated would go towards improving statewide habitats and the purchase of new Wildlife Management Areas. Let us know what you think.

Help Wanted: Full Time Police Officer

Town of Weathersfield, Vermont

Help Wanted
Full-Time Police Officer
The Town of Weathersfield, Vermont is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Full-Time Police Officer.

This is a regular, full-time, hourly position, with excellent benefits, including health care and retirement. Hourly pay range $18.25 - $19.85 depending on qualifications and experience.

            A complete job description is available from the Town Manager:

             Position open until filled.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Inside the Forecast - WCAX-TV

Inside The Forecast:
Driving will still be treacherous during the morning hours, thanks to the freezing rain that fell late Sunday, and the coating of heavy, wet snow on top of that ice.

The worst of the storm is over - the bulk of the rain/snow has already moved out. But a trailing trough of low pressure will swing through during the late morning and afternoon hours with a few more snow showers, mainly in the mountains, where there may be an additional 1-3" by day's end.

Then we'll clear out tonight as high pressure builds in. It will turn colder, but those temperatures will be fairly seasonable for this time of year. And that area of high pressure will bring lots of sunshine for the rest of the week after today.

A weak clipper will spread justs a few snow showers on Saturday.

So, the worst weather this week is what is out there right now. Take it easy on the roads. -Gary

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Town Wide Trivia Challenge

Saturday, March 21, 2015
7 pm at the Weathersfield School, Schoolhouse Road, Ascutney, VT

Start getting your team together.. which Team will be victorious in this years Trivia Challenge?

Returning the Favor: Emergency Departments Let Windsor Man Know They Care

By Maggie Cassidy
Valley News Staff Writer
Sunday, January 18, 2015
(Published in print: Sunday, January 18, 2015)

Windsor — Lying back in a bed last week at a hospital rehabilitation center, where he is recovering from a recent brain hemorrhage, Frank Silfies reflected on how he got to forming a statewide coalition of dozens of volunteers trained to help the people who often have the hardest time acknowledging they need help.

It was the early 1990s. He was splitting his time between working as a crisis counselor and a volunteer firefighter — and he recognized a gap in services. Firefighters, police officers, EMTs and other emergency responders are the first on the scene at emotionally draining tragedies day after day, but they’re accustomed to helping others, not the other way around.

They’re some of the most “mental health averse people” you’ll find, said Silfies, 71. But, he added, the traditional notion that “if you can’t tough it out, you can’t cut it” is nonsense.

“They’re human too,” Silfies said, while his wife, SallyAnn, 68, held his hand as she sat in a chair next to him.

Since Silfies co-founded Green Mountain Critical Incident Stress Management in 1992, its volunteers have traveled throughout the state and beyond, assisting countless first responders after they have been through difficult calls.
Lew Gage, the former chief of the Windsor Fire Department, said Silfies had a special connection to the people he was helping.
“Those of us who are in emergency response don’t normally talk about those incidents with people on the outside, and Frank was an insider,” Gage said. “He understood what we were going through.”

So it was perhaps little surprise a few weeks ago that so many emergency response departments came on board, and so quickly, when the call went out: Silfies, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer four years ago, appeared to be taking a bad turn. Some area residents wanted to make sure he knew how much the community appreciated his emergency service work, especially with the stress management team and the Ascutney Volunteer Fire Department, which he joined in 1972.

continued at:

Maggie Cassidy can be reached at


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Winter Storm Watch


A Winter Storm Watch has been posted from the Champlain Valley eastward across all of Vermont (except eastern Windham Co. in far southeast Vermont)...

Extended Forecast - WCAX-TV
Inside the Forecast:
Good morning!-- Today will feature increasing clouds. After a very cold start highs will eventually reach 8/18 (coolest in the NEK).

Tonight skies will be mostly cloudy. Southerly winds at 10-20 mph will cause our temperatures to rise through the overnight.

On Sunday we'll be monitoring a developing coastal storm: With highs back into the 30s, a mix of rain and snow will develop on Sunday afternoon from south to north (mainly across Vermont).

Then, as the storm strengthens, any rain should gradually change to mainly snow on Sunday night into Monday.

Right now it appears that the heaviest precipitaion will fall over Vermont and New Hampshire, where snowfall rates could reach 1-2" per hour at times.

The potential exists for 4-8" of accumulation across much of Vermont (with locally higher amounts possible, especially in the high terrain).

The North Country could see lesser amounts of 2-4". This is a very tricky forecast that is subject to change-- Please check back throughout the weekend for updates.

After the storm pulls away on Monday temperatures will gradually turn colder through the workweek.

A clipper could bring southern spots just a few snow showers on Wednesday.

I'll have more details coming up on "The Weekend" from 6-8am.
Have a nice day,

Coastal Storm Moving In Tomorrow

A coastal storm will move in tomorrow;

A rain/snow mix will change over to accumulating snow for many of us.

Details coming up on "The Weekend" from 6-8am.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Winter Concert at Weathersfield School

Our boys and girls are gearing up for our upcoming concerts, (open to the public, so we are hoping, grandparents, neighbors and all in our community will join us)!

The K-3 Winter Concert will be held from 6:00 to 7:00 pm on Tuesday, January 27th.

The snow date for this concert is January 29th, same time.

 Please have the students here by 5:45 pm, wearing their very best!

The Grade 4-8 Winter Concert will be held from 6:00 to 7:30 pm on Wednesday, January 28th, with the snow date also being on Thursday the 29th, same time.

This is a change, as we had scheduled the snow date for Friday, January 30th, but had to change it due to the new Districts' schedule.

It is unlikely that we will have to have two snow date concerts on one night, but if that happens, we will alert you to time changes in a very prompt way.

Please make sure 4-8 students arrive at school by 5:45 pm and look their very best for the concert.

Weathersfield School Board Meeting

The next Weathersfield School Board Meetings will be held on Tuesday, February 3rd at 6:30 pm in the AP Room.

These meetings are open to the public, welcome one and all!

Weathersfield School Concert/Programs - Mark Your Calendar

Important Dates to Add to Your Calendar- The Public is Invited!

Spring Concerts:

K-3-May 5, 2015; 6:00 to 7:00 pm in gym

4-8- May 7, 2015; 6:00 to 7:30 pm in gym

Memorial Day Program:

K-8 – Friday, May 22, 2015; 8:15 to 9:15 am in gym

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court presented by Weathersfield Drama Club

**This year’s Drama production will be A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, to be held on June 1, 2015,

with the dress rehearsal to be held from 3:00 to 5:00 pm on May 29th, all in the gym.

On June 1, 2015, the show will be presented again for all K-8 students at 1:00 pm in the gym.

Weathersfield's 'Got Talent' Show Seeking Talent

**The second annual Weathersfield's Got Talent Show will be held on February 26th at 7:00 pm, with the dress rehearsal on Feb. 25th from 3 to 5:00 pm, all in the gym. .

Dust off your tap shoes, jokes and vocal cords!

We are looking for unique talent acts to make this show even more successful than last year.

Auditions January 22 after school, with sign-up up in the office.

This is open to students, faculty and community members.

If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Erica Yuengling, Drama Coach, at

Green Dragon Farm Fund Raiser- Jan. 24th, 2015

 Alicia Jenks and Glenn Selwitz lost almost everything when their old farmhouse on the corner of South Mountain Road and Rt.131 in Weathersfield burned down two weeks ago. 

Glenn's musician friends are hosting a musical fund raiser and pot luck to raise money to help them get back on their feet.  

Music- including acoustic, classic rock and bluegrass- will be from THE WILD LIFERS, RELIC REVIEW, MOXLEY UNION, DAVEY DAVIS, THE FOUR HOARSEMENN, and BILL BRINKMAN. 

They will be playing at the Weathersfield Center Meeting House on Weathersfield Center Road on Saturday, January 24th, starting at 1:00 PM and going in to the early evening. 

Bring some snacks or a pot luck to share. 

While the event has no admission charge, its purpose is to raise funds for Glenn and Alicia and a donation box will be on hand.

If you are unable to be there Saturday, Alicia's Hartland school friends have set up a fund for them: Alicia Jenks Fund, ℅ Mascoma Bank, PO Box 348, Hartland, Vt 05048. 

For further information or directions, call 802-263-5626.