Town of Weathersfield, Vermont
Warning for the Annual Town Meeting
Monday, March 2 and Tuesday, March 3, 2015
The legal voters of
the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont, are hereby notified and warned to
meet at the Weathersfield School, 135 Schoolhouse Road in Ascutney, in
the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont, on Monday, the 2nd day of March,
2015, at 7:30 P.M., to act on the following articles:
Article 1:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield accept the reports of the
Town’s officers for the period from July 1, 2013, through June 30,
Article 2:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select
Board to borrow money, if necessary, to pay current expenses in
anticipation of taxes in accordance with the provisions of Title 24,
Section 1786, of the Vermont Statutes Annotated?
Article 3:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select
Board to expend such grant monies, gifts, or bequests which may be
received by the Town of Weathersfield, in accordance with the terms of
said grants, gifts, or bequests?
Article 4: Shall
the voters of the Town of Weathersfield establish an “1879 Perkinsville
Schoolhouse Capital Maintenance and Improvements Reserve Fund” pursuant
to Title 24, Section 2804 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, to be used
to perform capital maintenance and to make improvements to the
building, allowing the Select Board to expend monies from the fund for
that purpose?
Article 5: Shall
the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select Board to
convey [sell] Parcel No. 09-02-36, an approximately 33 acre parcel with a
pond located on Tenney Hill Road, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. 1061(b),
with the net proceeds from the sale used first towards paying off any
loans borrowed for the purpose of making improvements to the 1879
Perkinsville Schoolhouse and secondly deposited into the “1879
Perkinsville Schoolhouse Capital Maintenance and Improvements Reserve
Article 6: Shall
the voters of the Town of Weathersfield move the start of both the
Annual Town Meeting and the Annual School District Meeting to the
Saturday preceding the first Tuesday in March beginning on February 27,
2016 and continuing for subsequent years until voters decide otherwise?
Article 7:
To see if the Town of Weathersfield will vote to direct that the annual
Town and School Auditors’ Reports be available to the public at the
Town Clerk’s Office, in lieu of mailing, and mailed to those who request
that a copy be mailed to them, and that a “Notice of Availability” be
published in the designated newspaper of record for the Town no less
than 30 days prior to the Annual Meetings, as required by Title 24,
Section 1682, of the Vermont Statutes Annotated?
Article 8: To transact any other business deemed proper when met.
Voting by Australian
ballot will be conducted in Martin Memorial Hall, at 5259 U.S. Route 5
in Ascutney, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of March, 2015 [The polls will be
open at 10:00 A.M. and will close at 7:00 P.M. on that date], to act on
the following articles:
Article 9: To elect all Town officers as required by law.
Moderator - One Year
Town Clerk – Three Years
Town Treasurer – Three Years
Select Person – Three Years
Select Person - Two Years
Lister – Three Years
Trustee of Public Funds - Three Years
Town Agent - One Year
Grand Juror - One Year
Cemetery Commissioner - Five Years
Library Trustee - Three Years
Article 10:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure
of $1,258,844 for the support and operation of the Town’s General Fund?
$896,118 shall be raised by property taxation, allowing the Select Board
to set the appropriate tax rate.
Article 11:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure
of $1,037,746 for the support and operation of the Town’s Highway Fund?
$746,575 shall be raised by property taxation, allowing the Select Board
to set the appropriate tax rate.
Article 12:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield approve the expenditure
of $266,550 for the support and operation of the Town’s Solid Waste
Management Facility? These monies shall be raised by the collection of
fees, allowing the Select Board to set the appropriate fees for the
Article 13:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select
Board to borrow funds not to exceed $70,000 for a period not to exceed
five years for the purpose of making improvements to the 1879
Perkinsville School building? The funds may be borrowed and spent
beginning in the current (FY2015) fiscal year.
Article 14:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select
Board to borrow funds not to exceed $35,000 for a period not to exceed
three years for the purpose of purchasing a light duty pickup truck with
plow? The cost of the light duty pickup truck with plow will not exceed
$40,000. The new truck will replace a 2006 Ford F-350 with over 114,000
miles on it. The balance of the funds needed to purchase the light duty
pickup truck with plow will come from the sale or trade-in of the
Town’s existing light duty pickup truck.
Article 15:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield authorize the Select
Board to borrow funds not to exceed $16,000 for a period not to exceed
three years for the purpose of purchasing a Police cruiser? The cost of
the cruiser will not exceed $34,000. The new cruiser will replace a 2009
Chevy Impala police cruiser with over 108,000 miles on it. The balance
of the funds needed to purchase the cruiser will be taken from the
Police Cruiser Reserve Fund and the sale or trade-in of the Impala. The
funds may be borrowed and spent beginning in the current (FY2015) fiscal
Article 16:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of
$15,000, to be deposited into a Reserve Fund for the future acquisition
of Highway Maintenance and Repair Equipment? [Not in Budget]
Article 17:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of
$15,000, to be deposited into a Reserve Fund for the future acquisition
of Motorized Fire Apparatus? [Not in Budget]
Article 18:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of
$30,000 to be deposited in the Weathersfield-Proctor Library Capital
Improvements reserve fund? [Not in Budget]
Article 19:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of
$100 to support the activities of the Weathersfield Directory? [Not in
Article 20:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of
$1,800 to support the activities of the Connecticut River Transit
(CRT)? [Not in Budget]
Article 21:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of
$2,145 to support the activities of the Health Care and Rehabilitation
Services (HCRS)? [Not in Budget]
Article 22:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of
$400 to support the activities of Springfield, Vermont Area Public
Access Television (SAPA TV)? [Not in Budget]
Article 23:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of
$1,200 to support the activities of Southeastern Vermont Community
Action (SEVCA)? [Not in Budget]
Article 24:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of
$600 to support the activities of the Vermont Association for the Blind
and Visually Impaired (VABVI)? [Not in Budget]
Article 25:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of
$9,680 to support the activities of the Visiting Nurse and Hospice of
Vermont and New Hampshire (VNAVNH)? [Not in Budget]
Article 26:
Shall the voters of the Town of Weathersfield appropriate the sum of
$480 to support the activities of the Windsor County Partners (WCP)?
[Not in Budget]
Dated at Weathersfield, Windsor County, Vermont this 28th day of January, 2015.
Weathersfield Select Board: N. John Arrison, Chairperson; Daniel E.
Boyer, Vice-Chairperson; Richard N. Clattenburg, Board Clerk; C. Peter
Cole, Select Board Member; and David T. Fuller, Select Board Member