Coming Green Up: group sweep on SATURDAY, MAY 7th
On May 7th we open for business at 9 AM at the Dan Foster House across from the Weathersfield Center Meetinghouse.
Would you like to join the e-Mail group and get email updates?
Would you like to do the 3-season green-up?
Do you know of an area in Weathersfield that needs group attention?
you be interested in helping pick up trash or doing even more beyond the extra you already do?
you like to own a litter-picker-upper device? A donation would be nice.
(Any amount). I love these back-savers that can reach into brambles and
awkward spots.
Do you expect to join us at the Dan Foster house on Saturday, May 7th? That’s the official Green-up Day.
you like green-up bags this year? I can deliver, or distribute at the
Dan Foster House May 7th. Let me know of the best way to get the bags to
you like to be on the Connecticut River list? (The sweep will be some
time in August. Canoes and transportation are supplied by Northstar.)
to check with the attendant when dropping off your haul at the dump so
the Town won’t have to pay. Some people find it more convenient to leave
bags at the Dan Foster House for the Town to pick up. Let me know of
other places.
Let’s keep our spirits high, knowing how many of us are helping!!!
If you would like to help, please contact Steve Aikenhead at
263-5439 or email:
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Household Hazardous Waste Collections 5/14/2016 and 5/21/2016
Household Hazardous Waste Collections
Saturday, May 14
Springfield Transfer Station 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 21
Windsor Goodyear Building 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Call 674-9235 for more information or
Only residents and small businesses from Andover, Athens, Baltimore,
Cavendish, Chester, Grafton, Ludlow, Plymouth, Reading, Rockingham, Springfield, Weathersfield,
West Windsor, and Windsor may participate.
Ascutney Fire District #2 Annual Meeting 05/03/2016
Ascutney Fire District No. 2
Warning - Annual District Meeting
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016
legal voters of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2, in Ascutney, Vermont,
are hereby notified and warned to meet at Martin Memorial Hall, at 5259
Route 5 in Ascutney, in the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont, on Tuesday,
the third day of May, 2016, at 7:00 o’clock, P.M., to act on the
following articles:
Article 1: To elect a Moderator for a term of one year.
Article 2: To elect a Member of the Prudential Committee for a term of three years.
Article 3: To elect a Clerk for the District for a term of one year.
Article 4: To elect a Treasurer for the District for a term of one year.
Article 5: Shall
the voters of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 authorize the Prudential
Committee to borrow money, if necessary, to pay current expenses in
anticipation of fees in accordance with the provisions of Title 24,
Section 1786, of the Vermont Statutes Annotated?
Article 6: Shall
the voters of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 authorize the Prudential
Committee to expend such grant monies, gifts, or bequests which may be
received by Ascutney Fire District No. 2, in accordance with the terms
of said grants, gifts, or bequests?
Article 7: Shall
the voters of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 raise and appropriate
money to pay indebtedness and other general expenses of the Fire
District for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30,
2017, and if so, how much?
Article 8: Shall
the voters of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 Amend Article V, Section
D, Subsections 1 and 2 of the Fire District Bylaws to delete the
crossed out words and to add the underlined words as follows:
(1) At
the organizational meeting of the Prudential Committee forthwith
following the Annual Meeting of the Fire District, the members of the
Prudential Committee shall elect from their membership a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Board Clerk.
(2) At
all meetings of the Prudential Committee and of the Fire District, the
Chairperson of the Prudential Committee shall preside. In the absence of the Chairperson, the members present shall designate a Chairperson pro tem the Vice Chairperson shall preside.
Article 9: Shall
the voters of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 Amend Article VI,
Section A, Subsection 1 of the Fire District Bylaws to delete the
crossed out words and to add the underlined words as follows:
(1) The Fire District shall elect at Annual Meeting a Clerk and a Treasurer, and a Collector of Taxes. The Fire District Manager shall be the Collector of Taxes.
Article 10: To transact any other business deemed proper to be brought before the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 Annual Meeting.
residing within the limits of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 who are
voters in the Weathersfield Town Meeting shall be voters in the Fire
District No. 2 Meeting.
Tax Payment Due May 11, 2016
The 4th and final property tax installment for the 2015-2016 tax year is due May 11th, 2016.
Mimi Baird to Speak at Weathersfield Proctor Library May 4
Event: May 4, 2016, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Baird, the author of He Wanted the Moon: The Madness and Medical Genius
of Dr. Perry Baird, and His Daughter's Quest to Know Him will be
speaking about her book at the Library starting at 7 p.m. on Wednesday,
May 4. Mimi's book has been adapted as a film by Brad Pitt, and we are
delighted to have her as a guest of both the Weathersfield Proctor
Library and the Friends of the Weathersfield Proctor Library.
Mimi Baird Wednesday May 4 7 p.m.
Weathersfield Proctor Library 5181 Rte 5 Ascutney, VT 802.674.2863 SPREAD THE WORD!
WPL ADA Bathroom Grand Opening May 26
Event: May 26, 2016, 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
The front walk has been poured; the grass has been seeded and our library is looking mighty fine!
Please join us May 26 at 5 p.m. for our Grand Opening! We'll be serving up hot dogs and pizza and cupcakes.
Come tour our new bathroom and all the changes our new Library Director, Mark Richardson and his staff have made to the interior of the building.
Come tour our new bathroom and all the changes our new Library Director, Mark Richardson and his staff have made to the interior of the building.
Hope to see you all on Thursday, May 26! SPREAD THE WORD!
More images from this construction project:
Maybe the lilacs will be in bloom!!
ADA Accessible Bathroom and Walkway
Thursday, May 26, 2016
5-6 p.m.
5181 Rte 5 Ascutney, VT
ADA Accessible Bathroom and Walkway
Thursday, May 26, 2016
5-6 p.m.
5181 Rte 5 Ascutney, VT
Our Library's Future - How Can WPL Best Serve Community May 26
Event: May 26, 2016, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Please join us for a discussion about our Library's Future and how we can BEST serve the community.
Please join us for a discussion about our Library's Future and how we can BEST serve the community.
following our Grand Opening of the new ADA Accessible Bathroom, the
Trustees will host a discussion about the future of our Library and
possible expansion plans.
simple survey will be available for you to fill out so the Trustees and
Staff can assess the needs of the community and how our Library can
best support these needs.
event is open to the public and ALL are welcome and encouraged to
attend. Bring your family, Bring a Friend, Bring your Neighbors!
For more information, please contact Library Director Mark Richardson at 802.674,2863 or email:
Thursday May 26, 6-7 p.m.
Weathersfield Proctor Library
5181 Rte 5 Ascutney, VT
Weathersfield Proctor Library
5181 Rte 5 Ascutney, VT
Monday, April 18, 2016
Select Board 2016 Summer Meeting Schedule
Town of Weathersfield, VT
Select Board
2016 Summer Meeting Schedule
Monday, June 6 - Martin Memorial Hall
Monday, June 20 - Ascutney Volunteer Fire Station
Tuesday, July 5 - Martin Memorial Hall
Monday, July 18 - Weathersfield Center Meeting House
Monday, August 1 - Martin Memorial Hall
Monday, August 15 - Highway Garage
Tuesday, September 6 - Martin Memorial Hall
Monday, September 19 - West Weathersfield Fire Station
Monday, October 3 - Martin Memorial Hall
Monday, October 17 - Bow Baptist Church
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Francis 'Fran' Wright, 95
Weathersfield, Vt. — Frances Kohl Wright of Weathersfield, Vt.,
passed away peacefully in her sleep on Saturday March 26, 2016. Born in
Newburgh, N.Y. on Aug. 12, 1920, Frances was the only child of May B.
and Russell Kohl.
After graduating from Mt. Holyoke College in 1942, she married John D. Wright, Jr. of Brookline, Mass. and the marriage lasted a wonderful 72 years. Fran and John were intrinsically connected both emotionally and intellectually. Most of her married life was spent in Lexington, Ky. where she was a librarian and John, a professor at Transylvania University.
A unique woman in all aspects of her life, Fran was recognized by several organizations including the Lexington Sertoma Club, for her many contributions to the community including the Neighborly Organization of Women (WNO), Friends of the Lexington Library and United Campus Ministries. She organized a library outreach program taking books to prisons and nursing homes and she chaired and helped organize the Nursing Home Ombudsman program for WNO.
In Lexington and later, in Weathersfield, Vt., Fran was unrelenting in her dedication to anticipating and mobilizing community interest and programs. In Weathersfield, she continued her volunteer work, becoming a deacon at the Perkinsville Church, helping with the directory in the Weathersfield is Togethersfield organization, participating in the steering committee of the Friends of the Proctor Library in Ascutney, and as a member of the Weathersfield Historical Society. She also had a love for gardening and in her “spare time” she spent hours in the lovely gardens at her home.
We would like to thank Chris DeCamp and all her wonderful, caring staff for their complete and loving nursing care for Fran in her last months.
Fran’s energizing presence and concern for others, no matter
the race, creed, gender or economic level, and her contribution to the
wide variety of community organizations wherever she lived, have greatly
enhanced the quality of life of all who knew and loved her. Her light
will shine on and her work will continue by those who are left behind,
but she will be missed in ways that cannot be expressed in words.
*Fran Wright Memorial Service is at 3:00 p.m. this Saturday, April 16, at Perkinsville Community Church. Will Hunter is doing the service. The family is providing refreshments after in the vestry.*
After graduating from Mt. Holyoke College in 1942, she married John D. Wright, Jr. of Brookline, Mass. and the marriage lasted a wonderful 72 years. Fran and John were intrinsically connected both emotionally and intellectually. Most of her married life was spent in Lexington, Ky. where she was a librarian and John, a professor at Transylvania University.
A unique woman in all aspects of her life, Fran was recognized by several organizations including the Lexington Sertoma Club, for her many contributions to the community including the Neighborly Organization of Women (WNO), Friends of the Lexington Library and United Campus Ministries. She organized a library outreach program taking books to prisons and nursing homes and she chaired and helped organize the Nursing Home Ombudsman program for WNO.
In Lexington and later, in Weathersfield, Vt., Fran was unrelenting in her dedication to anticipating and mobilizing community interest and programs. In Weathersfield, she continued her volunteer work, becoming a deacon at the Perkinsville Church, helping with the directory in the Weathersfield is Togethersfield organization, participating in the steering committee of the Friends of the Proctor Library in Ascutney, and as a member of the Weathersfield Historical Society. She also had a love for gardening and in her “spare time” she spent hours in the lovely gardens at her home.
We would like to thank Chris DeCamp and all her wonderful, caring staff for their complete and loving nursing care for Fran in her last months.
*Fran Wright Memorial Service is at 3:00 p.m. this Saturday, April 16, at Perkinsville Community Church. Will Hunter is doing the service. The family is providing refreshments after in the vestry.*
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Paul G. Connor, 76
On March 19th, 2016, Paul George "Sonny" Connor, 76, peacefully passed
away with his family by his side. He was born September 28, 1939, the
eldest son of George P. Connor and Virginia J. "Emery" Connor in
Greenbush, Vt. A lifelong Vermonter, he received his earliest education
in the one-room schools of Weathersfield and graduated from Springfield
High School in 1959.
His focus in high school was woodcrafts, carpentry and building on his
artistic abilities. Throughout his life, Paul used his artistic talent
to create many beautiful landscape scenes as well as portraits. Many of
his works portrayed historic buildings and bridges of Weathersfield.
Over the years, he was employed by several local construction companies becoming an accomplished carpenter and stone mason. In later years, he worked as a machinist at Jones and Lampson and Vermont Tool, until his retirement due to declining health. On December 31st, 1960, he married his wife of 55 years, Carole B. Stone, in Springfield, Vt. They spent most of their lives living in the Amsden and Greenbush area of Weathersfield, making the short move to Cavendish in 2015.
In addition to his wife Carole, Paul leaves behind three siblings: Dennis Connor and Don Connor of Springfield, Vt., and Donna Perham of Chester, Vt. Also eight beloved nieces and nephews Michelle Ovitt, Mike Perham, Steve Perham, Will Connor, Shelly Stoddard, Beth Connor, Jon Connor and Marlie Hooker. This would not be complete without the inclusion of a young family unofficially adopted by Paul and Carole, Chad and Shannon Devereux and their children Sarah and Rhyan. Paul and Carole cared for Sarah and Ryhan since their births. The Devereux will always hold a special place in their hearts. In addition to his parents Paul was predeceased by an infant son, Wade Paul in 1974.
A celebration of Life will be held on April 9th, 1 p.m. at the Martin Memorial Hall, Route 5, Ascutney, Vt. In lieu of flowers please make donations to the Springfield Humane Society, 401 Skitchewaug Trail, Springfield, Vt. 05156.
Chadwick Funeral and Cremation Services, 235 Main St., New London, NH, are in charge of arrangements.
Over the years, he was employed by several local construction companies becoming an accomplished carpenter and stone mason. In later years, he worked as a machinist at Jones and Lampson and Vermont Tool, until his retirement due to declining health. On December 31st, 1960, he married his wife of 55 years, Carole B. Stone, in Springfield, Vt. They spent most of their lives living in the Amsden and Greenbush area of Weathersfield, making the short move to Cavendish in 2015.
In addition to his wife Carole, Paul leaves behind three siblings: Dennis Connor and Don Connor of Springfield, Vt., and Donna Perham of Chester, Vt. Also eight beloved nieces and nephews Michelle Ovitt, Mike Perham, Steve Perham, Will Connor, Shelly Stoddard, Beth Connor, Jon Connor and Marlie Hooker. This would not be complete without the inclusion of a young family unofficially adopted by Paul and Carole, Chad and Shannon Devereux and their children Sarah and Rhyan. Paul and Carole cared for Sarah and Ryhan since their births. The Devereux will always hold a special place in their hearts. In addition to his parents Paul was predeceased by an infant son, Wade Paul in 1974.
A celebration of Life will be held on April 9th, 1 p.m. at the Martin Memorial Hall, Route 5, Ascutney, Vt. In lieu of flowers please make donations to the Springfield Humane Society, 401 Skitchewaug Trail, Springfield, Vt. 05156.
Chadwick Funeral and Cremation Services, 235 Main St., New London, NH, are in charge of arrangements.
Monthly Potluck Lunch 04/19/2016
Tuesday, April 19, 12:00
noon -
Monthly Potluck at Perkinsville Community Church Vestry.
Come have a nice meal and a good visit!
Bring a hot dish, salad or dessert.
Paper goods and beverages will be provided.
Contact Lorraine Zigman 802-263-5245;
Monthly Potluck at Perkinsville Community Church Vestry.
Come have a nice meal and a good visit!
Bring a hot dish, salad or dessert.
Paper goods and beverages will be provided.
Contact Lorraine Zigman 802-263-5245;
Weathersfield Historical Society event to be held 04/24/2016
Weathersfield Historical Society presents
Betty Smith-Mastaler producer of commentaries for
Vermont Public Radio Betty Smith-Mastaler
Producer, VPR
Betty Smith-Mastaler producer of commentaries for
Vermont Public Radio Betty Smith-Mastaler
Producer, VPR
Sunday, April 24, 2:00 P.M.
Martin Memorial Hall
Route 5, Ascutney
Martin Memorial Hall
Route 5, Ascutney
She will talk about the beginnings of VPR, the production process, and will share some of her favorite VPR Commentary Series segments.
Free. Refreshments will be served.
Contact: 802-674-5021.
Commentary Series/Reporter
Betty, long-time Weathersfield resident, was and still is VPR’s first full-time employee, hired in 1976 to handle a variety of administrative aspects. Once the station began broadcasting in 1977, she also served as an on-air host.
Comfortable both on-air and behind the scenes, Betty produces the VPR commentary series and reports on cultural events across the region. She’s based in VPR’s Norwich studio. Prior to joining VPR, Betty was a local AM radio personality and actress.
Town Clerk's office closed for educational training on 04/13/2016
Ascutney Fire District #2 Annual Meeting 05/03/2016
Ascutney Fire District No. 2
Warning - Annual District Meeting
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016
legal voters of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2, in Ascutney, Vermont,
are hereby notified and warned to meet at Martin Memorial Hall, at 5259
Route 5 in Ascutney, in the Town of Weathersfield, Vermont, on Tuesday,
the third day of May, 2016, at 7:00 o’clock, P.M., to act on the
following articles:
Article 1: To elect a Moderator for a term of one year.
Article 2: To elect a Member of the Prudential Committee for a term of three years.
Article 3: To elect a Clerk for the District for a term of one year.
Article 4: To elect a Treasurer for the District for a term of one year.
Article 5: Shall
the voters of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 authorize the Prudential
Committee to borrow money, if necessary, to pay current expenses in
anticipation of fees in accordance with the provisions of Title 24,
Section 1786, of the Vermont Statutes Annotated?
Article 6: Shall
the voters of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 authorize the Prudential
Committee to expend such grant monies, gifts, or bequests which may be
received by Ascutney Fire District No. 2, in accordance with the terms
of said grants, gifts, or bequests?
Article 7: Shall
the voters of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 raise and appropriate
money to pay indebtedness and other general expenses of the Fire
District for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30,
2017, and if so, how much?
Article 8: Shall
the voters of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 Amend Article V, Section
D, Subsections 1 and 2 of the Fire District Bylaws to delete the
crossed out words and to add the underlined words as follows:
(1) At
the organizational meeting of the Prudential Committee forthwith
following the Annual Meeting of the Fire District, the members of the
Prudential Committee shall elect from their membership a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Board Clerk.
(2) At
all meetings of the Prudential Committee and of the Fire District, the
Chairperson of the Prudential Committee shall preside. In the absence of the Chairperson, the members present shall designate a Chairperson pro tem the Vice Chairperson shall preside.
Article 9: Shall
the voters of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 Amend Article VI,
Section A, Subsection 1 of the Fire District Bylaws to delete the
crossed out words and to add the underlined words as follows:
(1) The Fire District shall elect at Annual Meeting a Clerk and a Treasurer, and a Collector of Taxes. The Fire District Manager shall be the Collector of Taxes.
Article 10: To transact any other business deemed proper to be brought before the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 Annual Meeting.
residing within the limits of the Ascutney Fire District No. 2 who are
voters in the Weathersfield Town Meeting shall be voters in the Fire
District No. 2 Meeting.
James W.B. Parry, 62

Perkinsville, VT – James W.B. Parry, 62, died Saturday April 9, 2016 at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH.
He was born August 5, 1953 in Springfield, VT a son of Byron and Rosie (Griswold) Parry. James graduated from Springfield High School and began serving full time with the Vermont National Guard in Springfield. He received his honorable discharge from the National Guard after 17 years of service and then started Parry’s Sporting Goods in Perkinsville, and worked for a time as a painter and lead man at Power Ray in Claremont. Later Jim operated JP Overhead Door, installing garage doors throughout Vermont and New Hampshire
Jim was married to Shirley Melendy May 23, 1987 and together they raised their family. He loved spending time with his family, especially time spent in the outdoors, fishing, hunting, camping or time at their land and camp in Sheffield, VT. He was particularly close with his mother and father and could often be found puttering on small engine repairs with his dad. When he wasn’t with his family he enjoyed auctions and riding motorcycles. Jim served his community as a volunteer firefighter with the West Weathersfield Fire Dept.
He was predeceased by his mother, Rosie, and his twin sister, Jane Parry.
Jim is survived by his wife, Shirley, of Perkinsville; his father, Byron also of Perkinsville; daughters Lynn Towne of Windsor, Jody Freeman of White River Jct., Virginia Cutting of Claremont, Frances Short of Westminster; sons Shayne Trombley of White River Jct. and Jeffrey Parry of California; 8 grandchildren; a great-grandchild; sister Elizabeth Landon of TN and two nephews.
A celebration of his life will be held at Martin Hall in Ascutney at 1 PM on Saturday April 16th.
Condolences may be expressed to Jim’s family in an online guestbook at
Friday, April 8, 2016
Work Days for 1879 Schoolhouse - Volunteers Needed!
Dear Friends of the 1879 Schoolhouse,
We are currently working on interior finish projects at the 1879 School house. Insulation, sheetrock, interior doors, and flooring, to name a few of the jobs. We are looking for volunteers to work anytime during the hours and dates listed below.
Please me know which time slots you would be interested in filling. I can use a couple of volunteers at a time, and if the time slot you have indicated has already been filled, I will let you know so we can find an alternate time for you to help. Also let me know if you have a time other than those I have listed that would work better for you.
Please e-mail me at, or call me at 802 263 5300.
We are currently working on interior finish projects at the 1879 School house. Insulation, sheetrock, interior doors, and flooring, to name a few of the jobs. We are looking for volunteers to work anytime during the hours and dates listed below.
Please me know which time slots you would be interested in filling. I can use a couple of volunteers at a time, and if the time slot you have indicated has already been filled, I will let you know so we can find an alternate time for you to help. Also let me know if you have a time other than those I have listed that would work better for you.
Please e-mail me at, or call me at 802 263 5300.
Many thanks,
Matt Keniston
For the 1879 School house committee.
Feb. 13th - 8 to 12:00.
Feb. 9th - 9 to 12:00
Feb. 11th - 9 to 12:00
Feb. 16th - 9 to 12:00
Feb. 18th - 9 to 12:00
Feb. 23rd - 9 to 12:00
Feb. 25th - 9 to 12:00
Mar. 5th - 8 to 12:00
Matt Keniston
For the 1879 School house committee.
Feb. 13th - 8 to 12:00.
Feb. 9th - 9 to 12:00
Feb. 11th - 9 to 12:00
Feb. 16th - 9 to 12:00
Feb. 18th - 9 to 12:00
Feb. 23rd - 9 to 12:00
Feb. 25th - 9 to 12:00
Mar. 5th - 8 to 12:00
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Board of Abatement Hearing 04/05/2016
Weathersfield Town Clerk's Office
P O Box 550
Weathersfield, VT 05030
FAX 802-674-2117
TO: Board of Abatement, Listers, Treasurer, Town Agent
FROM: Flo-Ann Dango, CVC, Town Clerk
Please meet at Martin Memorial Hall, 5259 Route 5, Ascutney Village on Tuesday, April 5, 2016, at 7:00 PM to hear the following:
1. John Steinle, 329 Cady Hill Rd. - parcel #080133
2. Daniel L. Barbour, 157 Moore Drive - parcel #040229-7
3. Frank & Margaret Palmieri, 5467 Route 106 - parcel 030221
4. Anything else thought proper to discuss at this time
5. Adjourn
P O Box 550
Weathersfield, VT 05030
FAX 802-674-2117
TO: Board of Abatement, Listers, Treasurer, Town Agent
FROM: Flo-Ann Dango, CVC, Town Clerk
Please meet at Martin Memorial Hall, 5259 Route 5, Ascutney Village on Tuesday, April 5, 2016, at 7:00 PM to hear the following:
1. John Steinle, 329 Cady Hill Rd. - parcel #080133
2. Daniel L. Barbour, 157 Moore Drive - parcel #040229-7
3. Frank & Margaret Palmieri, 5467 Route 106 - parcel 030221
4. Anything else thought proper to discuss at this time
5. Adjourn
Weathersfield Town Challenge, April 16, 2016
Weathersfield Proctor Library will host the 5th Annual Town Team Trivia
Challenge on Saturday, April 16th at 7:00 PM at the Weathersfield
School in Ascutney.
Support your favorite town organization in a
six-category trivia contest (sports, geography, town history, Name That
Tune, spelling and current events).
Prizes will be awarded for most team
spirit and most funds raised. Door prizes also.
Donations for the Capital Campaign/Expansion Fun may be given at the door.
Refreshments available. Contact 802-674-5021.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Super Seniors - Ernie & Cookie Shand
A wonderful tribute to Cookie and Ernie Shand
Here's a story WCAX televised about them:
Here's a story WCAX televised about them:
Four men charged with Springfield burglaries
CORRESPONDENT | March 31,2016
WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — Four central Vermont men are facing felony charges for their alleged roles in several burglaries last fall.
Police said the burglaries include break-ins at Springfield’s Rite Aid Pharmacy and Downer’s Four Corners store, along with damaging an ATM machine at Citizens Bank in Springfield Shopping Plaza.
Seth Smith, 22, of Perkinsville and Noah Jakway, 18, of Springfield both pleaded innocent to three felony counts of burglary and an additional felony count of unlawful mischief while Liam Vezina, 19, of Chester pleaded innocent to two felony counts of burglary and one felony count of unlawful mischief. Stephen Miller, 24, pleaded innocent to one felony count of burglary, a charge which came about because police said he acted as a lookout during the Downer’s break-in.
Continued at
CORRESPONDENT | March 31,2016
WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — Four central Vermont men are facing felony charges for their alleged roles in several burglaries last fall.
Police said the burglaries include break-ins at Springfield’s Rite Aid Pharmacy and Downer’s Four Corners store, along with damaging an ATM machine at Citizens Bank in Springfield Shopping Plaza.
Seth Smith, 22, of Perkinsville and Noah Jakway, 18, of Springfield both pleaded innocent to three felony counts of burglary and an additional felony count of unlawful mischief while Liam Vezina, 19, of Chester pleaded innocent to two felony counts of burglary and one felony count of unlawful mischief. Stephen Miller, 24, pleaded innocent to one felony count of burglary, a charge which came about because police said he acted as a lookout during the Downer’s break-in.
Continued at
Connecticut River Bridge - Charlestown/Springfield - Rehabilitation Work
For Immediate Release
March 31, 2016
Rick Oberst, Construction Bureau, 603-933-2024
Bill Boynton, Public Information Office, 603-271-6495
Rehabilitation of Charlestown, NH – Springfield, VT Bridge
NH Route 11 Over the Connecticut River
For Immediate Release
March 31, 2016
Rick Oberst, Construction Bureau, 603-933-2024
Bill Boynton, Public Information Office, 603-271-6495
Rehabilitation of Charlestown, NH – Springfield, VT Bridge
NH Route 11 Over the Connecticut River
The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) announces work
is expected to begin mid-April on the rehabilitation of the bridge
carrying NH Route 11 over the Connecticut River between Charlestown, New
Hampshire and Springfield, Vermont.
This bridge expansion joint replacement work will initially require daytime lane closures and one-way alternating traffic. Two-way traffic will be restored at the close of work daily.
At the completion of the concrete structural work, the bridge will be paved in its entirety. This will require the bridge to be closed to traffic for five days. Advance notice will be given prior to this work.
Miller Construction, of Windsor, Vermont is the contractor for the $695,000 project, which has a final completion date of August 26, 2016.
This bridge expansion joint replacement work will initially require daytime lane closures and one-way alternating traffic. Two-way traffic will be restored at the close of work daily.
At the completion of the concrete structural work, the bridge will be paved in its entirety. This will require the bridge to be closed to traffic for five days. Advance notice will be given prior to this work.
Miller Construction, of Windsor, Vermont is the contractor for the $695,000 project, which has a final completion date of August 26, 2016.
Select Board Agenda 04/04/2016
Select Board Agenda
Martin Memorial Hall
5259 Route 5, Ascutney, Vermont
April 4th, 2016
7:00 P.M.
Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Comments from Select Board and Citizens on topics not on agenda
3. Review Minutes from previous meeting(s)
4. Storage of Historic Documents / Patti Arrison
5. Request for Municipal Fireworks Display Permit / John Arrison
6. Un-appoint Select Board Clerk (Kelly Murphy)
7. Review and approve Request for Proposal for WWFD new Fire Apparatus
8. Award Grounds Maintenance Contract
9. Approve 2016 Contract for Law Enforcement Services/North Springfield Lake/US Army Corps of Engineers
10. Approve job description and posting of Land Use Administrator opening
11. Approve job description and posting of Highway operator opening
12. Award funds from Transfer Station Bottle/Can Redemption Program – Round 5
13. Approve Local Emergency Operations Plan
14. Discuss Rutland Town’s request that Weathersfield approve and sign the Resolution
to Increase the Input of Vermont Municipalities Regarding the Siting of
Renewable Energy Projects in certificate of Public Good Proceedings
Before the Public Service Board
15. Fire commission review discussion
16. Select Board Representative to the Fire Commission (continued from 03/03/2016)
17. Appointments
A. Acting Town Manager
- Westley Hazeltine
B. Ancient Roads Committee
C. Budget Committee (Four Openings)
- Amy Beth Main
- Cynthia Porter
D. Connecticut River Development Corporation
E. Connecticut River Joint Commission
F. Conservation Commission (Two four year terms open)
G. Fence Viewer (Three Openings)
H. Parks and Recreation Commission (Four Openings)
I. River Connection Regional Partnership Representative
J. Southeastern Vermont Community Action, Inc. Representative
K. Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commissioner
L. Southern Windsor County Transportation Advisory Committee
M. Veterans’ Memorial Committee
- Chip Cobb / Select Board Representative
N. Weathersfield Fire Commission (One “one year” term, and One “two year” term)
16. Future Meeting Agenda Items
A. April 18th, 2016
1. Review Procedure for fixing dry hydrants / Second Reading (continued from 03/03/2016)
2. Review Town Meeting and discuss future of Saturday meeting
3. Approve $55,000 loan approved by voters per Article 10
4. Budget Status Update
5. Resolution to change signers at the bank
B. Future Agenda Items
Review Sound System Reservation Procedure
Review Policy Regarding Class IV Town Highways
Crown Point Road long term plan
17. Adjourn
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